• @Matt_Aranha well cool dude, you seem to know a lot 😜 Thank you so much!

  • @RoseoStarlo said in What is this and why?:

    @Matt_Aranha well cool dude, you seem to know a lot 😜 Thank you so much!

    Haha no comment 😜

  • I think things like vanity, and competition are driving factors for being let down by our peers, and loved ones. Let's say if we all did at the same time decide to stop competing for some kind of intangible empire, or even a real worldly one. What would it take for us all to drop our weapons? Of course humility, compassion, forgiveness, and self control, as well as sorrow for your own shortcomings, because lies are all meant to get what we want, or to hide from the truth. We hurt each other with lies. We can't pretend we didn't do anything wrong, because if we did there would be the desire to fight. What I'm saying is that we all hurt each other for our own personal agendas. For our own boost in way or another. We all want to be special, and some trample others to bask in that glory, while others choose to glorify a greater force in their hearts that is much greater than any being of the world, and persists in the ways of patience, humility, and all that represents the Christ despite even being alone in striving for his ways. It's easy to get caught up on the world when so few are even persistent enough to encourage, but instead worse persecute. if we all really considered Jesus all of us, and did so deeply, and with true submission as in obviously when I think of you Jesus you are far greater than me when I see my failures you are worthy I submit to that truth, and feel the desire to submit to the Lords greater glory then the world would be a much better place, even if at least more people truly did instead of pretending so they can pretend not to be guilty etc. Some so called believers throw God around to actually try to protect themselves from being sorry when they should be. The worlds a trip

  • @steelfirehawk Thanks so much for your insight! Really appreciate it

  • @RoseoStarlo hmm, this is saddening to know. Did someone play mind games with you ? That's not a nice feeling to experience indeed. Sometimes it's pretty obvious if someone is just up for something stupid and shallow, don't give yourself in for something like that. Assume moderately, "kilig" responsibly.. don't jump into something you're not certain and always trust your gut. Evaluate, validate and contemplate before convincing yourself that there is something..

    As to your query, you just can't deny the fact that the world is overpopulated with those kinds of people. Guard yourself up and let that someone go, you don't deserve him.

  • @cjko yeah I guess so huhu. gosh that's right . Trust the gut

  • @RoseoStarlo I believe you're a female and you have just met that someone online..am I right or what?
    I think he showed some signals that any girls/women will buy it.At first, he will try to impress you as much as he could and he will try to make you feel special.. then later on, you will fall into it, which is sad. Eventually, he will just go out of your sight the moment you fall into his trap. Thus, here you are trying to unwrapped those prickly blanket of sadness...

  • @cjko I'm a shemale :) haha. Yeah, anyway it's a learning experience

  • @RoseoStarlo oh.. that surprised me. Well, I hope you will meet that someone who will accept you and love everything about you, including your imperfections. :)

  • @cjko tbh I don't want to reveal anything so maybe I can be both? hehehe. Have you experience this tho ?

  • @RoseoStarlo this applies to everyone. :)

  • @cjko I'm guessing you have then and ohhh thanks so much for the replies! :)

  • @RoseoStarlo cuz they're fucking narcissists! I guess they are too busy living in their tiny lil world and are too far from humanity to give a damn about emotions or how anyone feels. They get this weird pleaure by hurting others thinking that, that makes them powerful in a relation but they're actually the weakest person!

  • Maybe people are like dogs, and you need to take them for a run across the fields, or exhaust them some other way, or they'll just start messing around with things -- like emotions.

  • @Anastasia-Smith yeah maybe sadist or idk what you actually call it

  • @Indrid-Cold people like those don't even deserve a chance anymore

  • @Indrid-Cold people like those don't even deserve a chance anymore.

  • @VeryGay maybe so

  • @RoseoStarlo people can be cruel 😭

  • @Deimat yep I agree!