Do you believe in ghosts? Has anyone ever seen them?

  • @tina proof !!! haha !! i have seen act of Jinn when i was 9 years old

  • @tina and i have witnessed a 12 year old girl possessed

  • i believe and heard abt many paranormal activities...

  • Music Lovers

    @tina actually if there is a positive energy then there's always a negative energy too.

  • Once saw a ghost alongside a friend of mine, we still believe it was a ghost. An old man who had to be older than 80 was walking down the sidewalk toward us and his legs weren't moving, we couldn't see his face very well even as he passed us. Creepy stuff.

  • Gamers

    I dont have pics and vid that prove i can see 'em but i'll tell my lastest contact with an spirit last night

    Last night i was lurkin around my house and i have to eat somethin and i go to my kitchen. I was cookin and i see a guy lookin at me with yea y'all know how they look like. And i shut down the stove and i talk to him. He died coz carcrash and my house was his house. He come back coz he miss this house and he can't go to afterlife coz he got "something to do" but i don't even know and i dont wanna know about it. He said "there is a hell belive it because i've seen it and it was so scary and belive in heaven because i've seen it."

  • 30000 left homeless..:'(:'(:'(

    There are helpline numbers in the description.. please share it and ask your friends to share it as might help someone.
    Thank you.

  • I've had countless paranormal experiences some more small than others that could be explained simply now ima just take my time before bed to but all of them in one post :3

    This happened when I was a round 6. A little background on my grandparents house because that's where most of these stories take place. It's a fairly old house. My grandmother has been living there he whole life so more than 80 years old. I'm not certain though. The first story was when my aunt (15) and I were home alone. We were playing with our dolls. The one my aunt had was one of those ones that would move and talk when it had batteries in it. When we were done playing it wouldn't shut up and I started whining. So my aunt took the batteries out. It kept talking by this point my aunt was scared. She had way more experiences in that house than anyone could ever imagine. We did the first thing that came to mind. Throw it in the basement. A few years later the water heater goes out so my dad and uncle go downstairs to check it out. When they open up the hatch there's the doll. Standing up right, trying to crawl up the stairs keep in mind that it is moving before our eyes that this is a doll that has a soft stuffing body with a thin plastic working as the arms, legs, and head. That's story number one.

    Now story number two. Another one of my aunt's dolls. This time it was in the kitchen I wasnt there but she told this one to me personally. She left her doll on the counter. She heard it fall to the floor after a while of watching tv mindlessly. When it fell she thought nothing of it when she went in and she didnt see it. I wouldn't have believed her but she still has the scar to this day from when it stabbed her in her leg.

    There's still a lot more that i'd like to share but damn this post is getting long XD If you hear more feel free to upvote this post and I'd be happy to share more :3 But yes I am a firm believer in the paranormal <3

  • Yeah I do believe-I've had multiple family members claim they've seen things in and around our house, as well as in other houses. The usual cliche about a place being "haunted", and prone to unusual activity, is often true, from stories I've heard.

  • Music Lovers

  • Yes, ghosts are earthbound spirits. I personally have had some experiences myself. Stuff moving mostly and in very few instances I have been able to talk to them but can't see them.

  • I want to add that there are also times were it could be a relative that has passed away that is visiting from heaven and wants to make their presence known

  • @angelsareforreal or it was your neighbor speaking through the wall thinking you are a idiot of some kind for talking to spirits.

  • @lucifer_ you know all I really ask for is respect for my believes as I respect yours! No need to name call

  • @angelsareforreal i meant to say that you believe in god and i respect that but most of the ghosts are people pranking you. or malfunctioning equipment.
    Sorry if i sounded rude.

  • @lucifer_ no worries, yes I do believe in God and I'm glad you do too

  • @angelsareforreal I do believe in a higher power its just I just dont' think it is one all powerful celestial being.