• Having just watched the penultimate episode (which was awesome, right?) some major plot strands have been tied up, but I've still got no real idea about the fate of 'Westeros'.

    So far, my predictions have been INADEQUATE. I predicted 'The Night King' would turn out to be time-travelling weed-addict Bran Stark, and his whole motivation was to resurrect Sean Bean's zombie head ...but nah.

    Full disclosure: I've got cash bets with a well-known high street bookies that either Wee Man or Ser Davos 'The Onion Knight' Seaworth will eventually sit on the Iron Throne. Also, I stand to make a cool £1.75 if Jon Snow dies (though ... isn't he dead already, from getting stabbed-up by the Night's Watch?)

    My working theory --and tell me what you think of this-- I think, in the wake of Danyeris' King's Landing GENOCIDE, she'll need to win the people's trust, and the only way to do this will be to KILL her own dragon. But at the last second, she'll instead kill Jon Snow. Beyond that, Danyeris' will be unexpectedly STABBED by Tyrion --who is, in turn, Arya Stark in disguise.

    What's gonna happen? What's gonna happen? What's gonna happen?
