E girl looking for a E guy
Attention Users
Its like Men have become Women . There are a lot of Fake User IDs here. They talk to you and at last you came to know that they are Male or fake users with a female name. And thats where your heart actually broke.
Welcome. To. Internet.
Moral of the Story: Do Not Talk to Gurls. -
@Wolfie_11 hahahaha u r right
@Wolfie_11 haha what's wrong with gurls?
You just have to be vigilant and wise enough who to talk
Well, as the guy said... Most of the gurls are turning out to be a Catfish. So I gave him an honorable advice to avoid being catfished :) -
@Wolfie_11 girls are nice, men that are crazy
Well we can’t generalise.
Also, don’t take a sarcastic statement out of context. -
@Wolfie_11 I get it
@cjko yup, thanks for the advice