• @panters-higgins
    I can see the booze effect through your suit.
    Edit: That didn’t make sense. So I’m compensating-
    Booze before Goose.
    And Controller before Roller.
    That didn’t make sense either?

    Welcome to TWS.

  • Do not commit yourself to the media.
    Or else this can happen to you:

  • @Karina-Kara
    The expert in geo-political and socio-political matters presents her view.



    Back off

  • @panters-higgins I'll trade you Teresa May for Donald Trump? She's very beaten-up, but she is good at toeing the line. And a female ultra-libtard Doctor Who for Captain Marvel?

  • @panters-higgins They want conflicts, people to fight for their minor ideological differences, when in fact there are more convergences. We all feel pain, hunger, love, anger and fear. Beneath our epidermis are the same biological structures and the same common origin. While the mob kills itself, the rulers are swallowed up in wealth.

  • @Indrid-Cold
    Are you sure?
    She seems normal.

  • @Karina-Kara L O (shudder) L. God almighty, that's the scariest thing I've seen since the Windowlicker video.

  • @Indrid-Cold
    That chest hair though!

  • Well i think it's kind of telling the word establishment media and how establishment has been become a more comen word

    It feels like there is a devide in America between the old and the young, the media put people in all these Categories, like millennials baby boomer gen Z left or right, goth punk and basic girls, we also sometimes make our own Categories like incel and nice guys or trumptards and social justice warriors, it feels like we see somthing bad in watching fox news and cnn even though they have specialist on the topics that they talk about, and if your and educated person you should really get your information from proffesionals.

    First of all i think the media devides us up in different Categories to sell to us look at how big the trump hat factory, and how good trumps hotel rooms are selling now, then there is the fact that sometimes we just become a stereo type and stereo types are exiting think king of the hill, and social justice warrior cringe, and that kind of media becoming really popular also reality tv, where not dumb there dumb.

    So i think the media really just want more groups so they can sell to peoples new identity that is tied to their political view, or lack there off so you aint become an out cast in that group, and you now whats gross about that there is nothing you can do about that beacuse if you say something against the firm or company that does give the same political view as you your looked on as a whiny cry baby, you got what you want why cant you just be happy stop whining

    And if you like the company that prometes your values you look like a coprate shill

    Like this add who targets people who want out of this, damn now i feel so special im no leftist melinial im better than that.

    Then we do it ourselfs countries, internet subcultures, and other things, i thinks thats beacuse we wanna find succsess and thats easier in greater numbers, and we like being togther with people who share intrests,

    then there is the problem of other groups like the nazis actully killing millions of people and that scaring us, or the comunist scaring us for doing the exsact same time and ofcours that will devide us if you think the other group wants to kill us not just talk, like i find the whole mexican thing with trump very scary.
    or the drug dealer thing.

  • @IM-NOT-HORNEY said in Is the media dividing us?:

    the idea of media, has been diluted to the point of being a propaganda machine for the highest bidder. No matter if its right or wrong, The money decides if your ideology is worth talking about :shrug: , Hence I label them as Press-stitues.

    I believe this to be the truth and have ever since the Ferguson riots. In my opinion, they are the #1 thing driving and fueling the division, hate, and racial issues in my country. Even as you said to the point of fabrication, people will blindly believe them.

    So, from what I get, dividing the nation is their job. Thats how they earn their living now. Its either dividing the communities, or becoming a full fledged propaganda unit of only one way of thinking.

    It's not that a particular agenda of division is their job, that's where I slightly disagree. I lean more towards what you said about money being the only objective. If it weren't for bad news, there would be no news at all, would there? On my local news stations, 95% of the coverage is bad news, it's what gets attention, it's what they know people want to see, and it's what will pay.

    If someone believes they have an agenda for division and hate, I would have to disagree somewhat believing that would only be true depending on each individual person's beliefs. The media collectively will choose only to cover the things that will result in the strongest reactions and opinions, controversial topics that will practically "blow up" the news. It just so happens that turning us against each other in this negative way and making people furious at each other is what is most lucrative for them. There are no morals, it's only business to them. As long as they make as much money as they can, they don't care if it ruins the country.
    That's just my two cents anyway.