• How do you replicate perfection?
    Simple question, butt pain answer lol

  • @mr_peanut simple...never replicate...

  • @barton said in Hmmmmmmmmmmmm....:

    @mr_peanut simple...never replicate...

    Haha, yea true that, but what if ya been asked to do a drawing? :O and you think the subject is exactly that? Lol šŸ˜†

  • @mr_peanut perfection is something that is the very top of pyramid, if you replicate perfection there is 2 similar and the one is not better than the other. Do you just lost the perfection?.. that would mean you can't.. hmmmm.. maybe i think this one a bit more..

  • @mr_peanut I dont think you can because there's nothing perfect

  • @justchatamy said in Hmmmmmmmmmmmm....:

    @mr_peanut I dont think you can because there's nothing perfect
    haha , I see where your coming from there ms Amy, but ......
    once in a lifetime you come across it... an if ya lucky, you may get to keep a hold

  • @mr_peanut then that would be insignificant because all the perfection went to the original... nobody expects an artist to dedicate himself for the sake of making a replica (unless he/she is in captivity). perfection is the result of somany variables playing in harnony like dedication, hardwork, imagination, perseverence to name a few. so unless your goal is new, unless you are not starting from scratch, unless it is not an original you cant replicate perfection.

  • @barton said in Hmmmmmmmmmmmm....:

    @mr_peanut then that would be insignificant because all the perfection went to the original... nobody expects an artist to dedicate himself for the sake of making a replica (unless he/she is in captivity). perfection is the result of somany variables playing in harnony dedication, hardwork, imagination, perseverence to name a few. so unless your goal is new, unless you are not starting from scratch, unless it is not an original you cant replicate perfection.

    I get where you are coming from with your wise words.... but also beauty is in the eye of the beholder. My original thought behind the post was due to a sketch I am doing. And can I make the sketch look anywhere near the perfection that I am taking the sketch from. There are some good artists about and I don't compare, so it's not an easy thing for me lol

  • @mr_peanut hahaha...yeah... lol well, in that context attention to detail helps... :P
