Share your problems with Sir Devil

  • @kaycee First of all I would like to say that if he was a shy person he would not have the guts poke you. Shy persons do not have that much daring believe me. Secondly, you can clarify with your best friend and ask her firmly that she was serious about what she said. Thirdly, if you like that guy and if he seems like a well mannered guy then just speak to him. Start with a more general topic such as about studies or projects and then once he finds you friendly you can talk to him about other things. If he is the right person for you then things will go smoothly.

  • @kaycee The only solution is to ask him directly. You will never know the answer until you do it. There's not much use in worring about it. It would just make you feel worse and the longer you keep on worring, the harder it would be to accept the answer. If you ask him now, and if he says no, at least you will have a answer. It will give you at least some peace. It would be sad but it would get better. If he says yes, all the better.

    Btw, saying that you wouldn't feel the thing you feel wih him with someone else, to say it bluntly, is pretty stupid. It's just that you haven't met a lot of peoples yet. I am saying this because I'm tired of seeing my friend who say this hypocritically at the start of every relationship.

  • @barez I would recommend you to start blogging and uploading videos about your views and the experience that you have had until now. You can also do what @Sir-Devil has suggested. Also, you can use freelancers online to promote traffic if it does not happens automatically. Today my friend everything runs and works on the intenet! So, Best of Luck!

  • @sir-devil said in Share your problems with Sir Devil:

    The reasons I am not regularly doing my daily greetings.
    A) I am lazy. (Would slack off a entire day without doing anything)
    B) I might forget. (Would leave this tab open tho 😛
    C) I may even be busy. (Okay. Sometimes)
    But this doesn't mean that I would not respond. I would respond ASAP, with it not being more than 12 hrs.

    Hi guys! I am online.

    Btw, I am and will not online 24/7, like before for a few days, since my pc's os got corrupted. Hence, I am running Android in my pc, as a backup for a few days and since it won't allow me to online just by running the browser in the background. Hence, I won't receive any notification and replies would be later than usual.

  • @sir-devil thanks!

  • This post is deleted!

  • @grey_gamer_p1 Sorry, I will not help you spam a scam.

  • Hello, guys! I am online!

  • @sir-devil i have mostly first world probloms.but my main problom is i geues my big problom is my lack of motivation

  • @0dysseus Well, for that...list out the goals and the benefit you would get on attaining those, think about the things that you desire and think about the ways that you could achieve it.

    This may help, I'm not guaranteeing it but it just might help. Good luck!

  • Whew, finally! I have successfully reinstalled my os. That shit wasn't even bootable. It took me this long to find a way to reinstall it, without resorting to clean install as I had 700+ GB data.

    Well anyway, from now, I would be online more frequent. So, Hello guys!

  • I have no balls. I love my husband but I hate him. Need to leave

  • @onita-bradley Wait, your statement is contradictory. You love him but you hate him?

    Are you trying to tell that you used to love him but not any more or that you care about him but you are not able to tolerate him anymore?

  • Help me I need a push

  • @onita-bradley I want to help but I won't be able to do anything without any context.

    Please explain your situation.

  • Hello, guys! I am online!

  • I remembered to say "Hello!" again. So, Hi guys!

  • i always thought that i was different. i tught that i wouldnt be that girl who waits for a guy to reply. but it looks like i am, i thought tgat this guy liked me. but it looks like im his side ho
    another thing is that i am still trying to find my sexual identity.
    i have these feelingd for this girl who hates me and now i distract myself from chasing other boys.
    I have no idea what i am. heck, i watch gay porn.

    sorry if rhete are spelling errors. apple did confirm that they make their older versions slower.

  • @emm-soe Let go of it all your worries. Be proud of who you are. Be proud of your orientation because that's who you are. Be proud of it.

    If you are uncomfortable with being a side chick, let go of him. You deserve better. Be proud of yourself.

    If you are indeed having a feeling for that girl, wait. Wait and think over it. Think if those feelings are true and not just a crush or attraction. If it's true, go for it; embrace it. Because that's who you are.

    If you are unsure of who you are, don't worry, everybody is. Everybody's who they are. They may not know about themselves but they don't have the need to. You can just go on with your life, doing what you use to did, doing what you want to do and improving on things that need to. Because in the end, that's all life is.

    If I have to say something, I would say that you are interesting and I'm sure your life would be too.

  • Sir, i was victim of a scam on Venezuela, almost lost all my money buying a phone...i wish i could get some donations so i can get up of this scam, what about helping this stranger? i can show you the proof that i have been scammed, just reply me thanks
