Share your problems with Sir Devil

  • @Sir-Devil okay thank you for this platform
    So this guy and I have been best friends for quite some time now and everything was amazing. He would call me everyday and when I missed his calls I would obviously call him back. On the phone and in person we could talk for hours on end. From my point of view and what I gathered from our friendship everything is platonic no feelings what so ever. But then two days ago I was dared to give him a lap dance and I followed through with the dare. Since then things have been off. We don't talk as much in person. He hasn't called or texted me all he did was post a screenshot of him talking to some girl on his status. Then today he posted a pic of his chat with some girl. It Iteels as if there's thing distance between us. Cause today neh we got our marks back and I did really bad (for my standards) and I told him Im feeling really sad and all but he never once comforted or given me a hug or anything. He just went about as if he didn't hear me
    I don't know what's happening
    What should I do
    Any thoughts

  • @Sir-Devil hello

  • Im 29 female. Im about the divorce. My husband cheated on me. We r separated for 2 years. I have a son 4yr. I send him a divorce notice he didn't reply yet. I met him thrice after we seperated he didnt apologies but he blamed me for his mistakes. I don't know what he is thinking. He didnt put any effort to convince me. No matter how hard i try i can't forgive him. Im looking for a job now nothing is working on. Im in complete miserable state for 2 years. Im tired of doing nothing. Im afraid of my sons future. Im scared to face the reality. I dont know how i feel im doing nothing for years. I cant even live with him and i cant live without him. I know if i go back things not same as before. But i cant help it. 6 years if marriage life just like that he forget about me and my son. I cant understand. I thought he will return to me but im wrong. I dont know what i did for that 6 years to him? Is it all my imagination? I dont want to talk to him i even blocked his number. At same time i wanna tell him how i feel im confused. How can i get over this shit?

  • @Sir-Devil since when devil got a tilte as sir ? For what joy you think should share problem ? Who's problem you are talking about ? Your problem, or other fellows problem ??

  • Just got told I'm moving in a year. Not even getting the chance to finish middle school. Also too scared to tell my friends.

  • Welcome, Strangers! I have once again returned to offer my services...
