Hitler killed 6 million Jews & he was a Christian. Does that mean all Christians are Killers & Terrorists?

  • @sheapard the quran says the world was created in 6 days which is disproven my the big bang and it also says that adam and eve are real humans which is disproven by evolution

  • @alwaysstranger Human Evolution .. Nope.. reasons.. so many, but i will say, it doesn't satisfy concrete logical deduction

  • @sheapard I'll stop talking to you. Bye. A person can not be interested in science and not believe in human evolution at the same time unless he's crazy.

  • @alwaysstranger The Quran actually postulates the big bang theory , a thousand plus years before science, the Quran talks about the expanding universe

  • @sheapard you're an idiot. You can't believe in the big bang theory and that god created the world in 6 days. It's either one or the other

  • @alwaysstranger the Quran reveals that " Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, then We parted them... will they not then believe" Chapter21: verse3... this talking about big bang.. from one infinitely dense singularity

  • @alwaysstranger said in Hitler killed 6 million Jews & he was a Christian. Does that mean all Christians are Killers & Terrorists?:

    @sheapard you're an idiot. You can't believe in the big bang theory and that god created the world in 6 days. It's either one or the other

    @Sheapard I'm still right about that.

  • @alwaysstranger , common dude, you could keep the insulting sentiment aside

  • @alwaysstranger , i understand the fact that you really don't understand something but rather than having a way to express our own approach of views you kinda like tend to become arrogant and dissuasive, The Quran reveals things in manner that shows relevance,

    โ€˜When Allaah wills something, all He says to it is โ€œBe!โ€, once, and it is.โ€™โ€

    And there are many other verses which speak of this matter and explain it.

    Once this is established, then why did Allaah create the heavens and the earth in six days?

    For example, Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

    โ€œIndeed, your Lord is Allaah, Who created the heavens and the earth in Six Days, and then He rose over (Istawa) the Throne (really in a manner that suits His Majesty)โ€

    [al-Aโ€™raaf 7:54]
    โ€œAllaah mentions this period โ€“ i.e. six days โ€“ although if He had wanted to create it in an instant, He could have done so, because He is Able to say to it โ€˜Be!โ€™ and is. But
    He wanted to:

    Teach His slaves kindness and deliberation in their affairs.

    Manifest His power to the angels step by step.

    And there is another reason: He wanted to create it in six days because

    Allaah has decreed a course for everything, for which reason He He delays the punishment for the sinners, because everything has an appointed time with Him.โ€

  • @alwaysstranger
    Expansion of Universe
    One of the most subtle discoveries in science concerns the expansion of universe, its tendency constantly to extend its boundaries. This was something completely unknown to the human being until the last century. This mystery is, however, mentioned by the Qurโ€™an in the following terms, which again bear witness to its remarkable profundity when discussing such matters:

    โ€œWe created the heavens with Our strength and power, and constantly expand themโ€. (51:47)

  • @sheapard @alwaysstranger said in Hitler killed 6 million Jews & he was a Christian. Does that mean all Christians are Killers & Terrorists?:

    @sheapard you're an idiot. You can't believe in the big bang theory and that god created the world in 6 days. It's either one or the other

    @Sheapard I'm still right about that.

  • @alwaysstranger , i got these response and it's so logical to the core and i have also taken understanding from it..

    Quran needs to be understood correctly and not literally translated word by word. Its not a text book of science either but provides ample scientific signs to those who actually ponder upon it.

    The word yawm which in some places is translated as day, refers to other meanings as well depending upon in which context it is being used. Stages, period, or phases are some other meanings of the same word. Definition of this particular word is also given at another place within the Quran where its says that our one day can be equivalent to many thousand days for Lord Almighty. Point is, it is not our one 24 hour day which is being referred to when time of creation in mentioned.

    Quran starts the history of the universe from a phenomenon similar to what was discovered in 1950s, and which we know as the Big Bang.

    [21:31] โ€œDo not the disbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were a closed-up mass, then We opened them out?โ€

    Heavens and the earth in this context refers to what we now call the universe. The Arabic words used for the closed up mass (fa-ta-qa) and the opening of it (ra-ta-qa), very clearly refer to a concept of singularity and its well planned opening, not some random blast or explosion. Interestingly, this verse is also a prophecy, that itโ€™d be the disbelievers (atheists) who would one day made this discovery. Observe the words of this verse again.

    Then coming back to your question, Quran has mentioned the creation of the universe in six stages, not in six days, and has mentioned it in seven different verses. It has also divided these stages further, for those who want to better narrow down their research on these stages of creation. As I mentioned earlier, the Arabic word yawm, which is translated as day has also other meanings, stages or phases being two of them.

    [25:60] He Who created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six periods, then He settled Himself on theThrone. The Gracious God! Ask thou then concerning Him one who knows.
    [11:8] And He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six periods
    [7:55] Surely, your Lord is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth in six periods; then He settled Himself on the Throne.
    [10:4] Verily, your Lord is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth in six periods, then He settled Himself on the Throne; He governs everything.
    [32:5] Allah it is Who created the heavens and the earth, and that which is between them, in six periods; then He settled on the Throne. You have no helper or intercessor beside Him. Will you not then reflect?
    [50:39] And verily, We created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six periods, and no weariness touched Us.
    [57:5] He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six periods, then He settled Himself on the Throne.

    There can be a long discussion on various signs, hints and directions which these verses provide. But one thing is for sure, they all refer to six stages of creation and a final and last stage of sitting on the Throne.

  • @AlwaysStranger :
    In English, there is no perfect translation, but the words used in Arabic (wa-ma) include living beings and non living beings altogether, instead of another word wa-min which refers to only non-living things. So these two verses are already pointing out that there is other life as well created in these six stages. Here are couple of other verses which further elaborates that there is indeed life in the universe.

    [30:27] And to Him belongs whosoever is in the heavens and the earth. All are obedient to Him.
    [37:6] Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them and the Lord of the sunโ€™s risings.
    [42:30] And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and of whatever living creatures He has spread forth in both. And He has the power to gather them together when He pleases.

    Note that Sunโ€™s risings - the word used is plural of East. In our context it might be referring to other places in the universe where sun rises on some intelligent beings. Sun rising also means these planets are rotating on their axis like Earth.

    Now coming back to the original question of six stages, Personally, I believe that these verses refer not only to six stages of creation of the universe itself, but also it is dividing the creation of our particular solar system, and later life on our planet Earth also into six stages. The reason for this is some other verses which give more details of these six stages like following:

    [41:10] Say: โ€˜Do you really disbelieve in Him Who created the earth in two days? And do you set up equals to Him?โ€™ That is the Lord of the worlds.
    [41:11] He placed therein firm mountains rising above its surface, and blessed it with abundance,and provided therein its foods in proper measure in four days โ€” alike for all seekers.
    [41:12] Then He turned to the heaven while it was something like smoke, and said to it and to the earth: โ€˜Come ye both of you, willingly or unwillingly.โ€™ They said, โ€˜We come willingly.โ€™
    [41:13] So He completed them into seven heavens in two days, and He revealed to each heaven its function. And We adorned the lowest heaven with lamps for light and for protection. That is the decree of the Mighty, the All-Knowing.

    To me this also shows the significance of the number 6, plus a 7th and the final when creation is completed and has start performing its assigned functions or duties. This 7th stage is what the Quran refers to as He settled Himself on the Throne. You sit on a throne, or on the chair of authority and control, when your creation is ready to serve its purpose. Its a metaphorical reference.

  • @sheapard @sheapard @alwaysstranger said in Hitler killed 6 million Jews & he was a Christian. Does that mean all Christians are Killers & Terrorists?:

    @sheapard you're an idiot. You can't believe in the big bang theory and that god created the world in 6 days. It's either one or the other. In the quran it is clearly said that it's 6 days not periods but in the Hebrew bible it's not. In arabic it's clearlt day but in Hebrew it can be taken as period. The quran was originally in Arabic not Hebrew

    @Sheapard I'm still right about that. It's either billions of years or 6 days/equal periods. Not both.

  • @sheapard by the way. You're not good at science if you don't believe in evolution. I really don't care about talking to you anymore. You're not worth my time

  • @sheapard you're cancer to my soul. Please leave. Get out

  • @alwaysstranger rather are you to believe in Human evolution.. you believe your ancestors were apes and monkeys.. bullshit

  • @sheapard tell me a couple of things which make you not believe in evolution, I'll answer your questions and if i feel that you are a lost cause then I'll just leave. You're making me feel too bad to continue talking

    P.S. we're apes you dumbass (in biology humans are classified as apes)

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