Hitler killed 6 million Jews & he was a Christian. Does that mean all Christians are Killers & Terrorists?

  • no, that means hitler was a killer

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  • Hey I am a christian and me myself does not like hitler and what he done. In fact it was just sick. But christians are not killers we want to love everybody and hen we get blamed for judging somebody because they doe something wrong or a big thing right know like gay people. we do not hate the that person cause we want good for everybody only thing we do not like is the sin even though we do it every day we also ask for forgiveness. so in conclusion I myself does not like what hitler done but I have been taught to hate the sin not the sinner and try to help them to see what they did wrong and that everybody will be judged for everything that we done.

  • @tina
    Hello Tina some people think they are doing things to help there loved ones but they are just Hurting them it just depends on who the person is šŸ˜‚ love this convention by the way

  • Just sayin', one can only wish to claim to be Christian if they've done even the least of such atrocities. So Idek if this question/argument/whatever is valid since I'm implying Hitler wasn't a Christian. Or at least, he totally steered away from what it meant to be Christian.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I ain't no Christian, but I've read enough to understand the basic human morals taught by the religion.

  • @tina no he just had a lot of issues

  • @sybariumy
    Hitler really šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this is going to be good

  • yo I found this on the ol' interweb.

    "Weikart cites many contradictory statements by Hitler about religion, some showing him to be anti-religious, others praising 'the Almighty' and even sometimes Christianity. This was because Hitler was less interested in the veracity of religion and than in its political usefulness."

    We don't really know what Hitler was. Religion can be used for many reasons including justification of terrorism and murder. But i find most of the time religion is just used to make life less meaningless. That's, at least, what i use it for.

  • Freedom Writers

    That's like saying all Muslims are terrorists. That's like saying all white Americans oppress minorities. Generalizations like this are completely unfair. Just because one member of a group does something completely wrong doesn't mean ALL members of said group will do it. Maybe I'm ignorant about topics like this, and if so, excuse me... but in my opinion, this accusation that's been pinned on an entire group of people is false.

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  • Religion isn't responsible for the actions of the believers. People are evil and they rationalize it by the available means. If a killer wears sneakers, are sneakers responsible for his actions? I don't think so.

  • No, I don't think all Christians are because in my opinion if you think all Christians are killers and terrorists then, in comparison, it's like your thinking that all people are the same. (I'm not saying you think this)

  • hi tina will you marry me

  • hi tina kumusta

  • ok ok ok, that is saying one person's actions means other people have done and will do the exact same, he killed jews and others (Christians in today's world) are not all killers and terrorists and stuff, that is like saying a kid is born from a murderous father and saying the child is a murderer, I don't know your logic and I don't know how to explain this good but there ya go

  • hi tina what are you doing now

  • Gamers

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  • this is probably the dumbest f*cking thing i have seen on this website

  • @sahara-cuevas I know, right? This question literally makes no fucking sense whatsoever.

  • @bompies ye honestly the question is stupid but I see where she's coming from since the media tends to portray Islams entire religion as terrorists. it's not fair to make a generalization based off of one or a few peoples actions in that group yet it constantly happens. Hitler was a dick, Osama was a dick. but that doesn't make the people that share their religion dicks.
