• @sumof1 you still didn't google the meaning, I see. No wonder you are Arab and have such a bad command on english words. But anyway, I always like to help kids to improve their knowledge. So here's is what Cringe means:
    experience an inward shiver of embarrassment or disgust.
    I hope you will remember this meaning for long ๐Ÿ™‚

    P.S: You may need any other help with your understanding of stuff. You can always reach out to me. I am always very patient with bubbleheaded kids.
    Always happy to help!

  • @greentealover omg i still can sing the theme song but in indonesian version lol

  • gosh come on , you guys ruining the game again -_-

  • @rendezvous lol i'm not arab

  • Gamers

    I'll start :


  • @trose18 said in CONTINUE THE STORY WITH ONE WORD.:

    I'll start :



  • @catwoman said in CONTINUE THE STORY WITH ONE WORD.:

    @trose18 said in CONTINUE THE STORY WITH ONE WORD.:

    I'll start :




  • Banned

  • Banned

    Paper 3 Data Analysis and Website Authoring May/June 2016
    2 hours 30 minutes
    Additional Materials: Candidate Source Files
    Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page.
    Write in dark blue or black pen.
    Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.
    Carry out all instructions in each step. You can track your progress through the examination by crossing out
    each question number.
    Enter your name, Centre number and candidate number on every printout before it is sent to the printer.
    Printouts with handwritten candidate details on will not be marked.
    At the end of the examination put this Question Paper and all your printouts into the Assessment Record
    If you have produced rough copies of printouts, put a neat cross through each one to indicate that it is not the
    copy to be marked.

    at the end of each question or part question.

    Write todayโ€™s date in the box below.
    The syllabus is approved for use in England, Wales and Northern Ireland as a Cambridge International Level 1/Level 2 Certificate.
    ยฉ UCLES 2016 0417/31/M/J/16
    Task 1 โ€“ Evidence Document
    โ€ข Open the file 1631evidence.rtf
    โ€ข Make sure your name, Centre number and candidate number will appear on every page of your
    Evidence Document by placing these details in the header.
    โ€ข Save this Evidence Document, as a word processed document, in your work area as 1631evidence
    followed by your candidate number. For example,1631evidence9999
    You will need your Evidence Document during the examination to enter answers to questions and to
    place your screenshots in when required.
    Task 2 โ€“ Web Page
    You are going to help some trainees develop web pages for The Manta Conservation Project. The first
    web page will be part of a website used to raise awareness of, and get donations for, conservation
    projects around the world.
    1 โ€ข Create a new folder called 1631_html
    2 โ€ข Locate the following files and place them in your 1631_html folder.
    ยฉ UCLES 2016 0417/31/M/J/16 [Turn over
    3 A trainee has started to create a single stylesheet to be used with the website. The stylesheet was
    not finished and contains a number of errors.
    โ€ข Open the stylesheet 1631stylesheet.css in a suitable software package.
    The web page and stylesheet must work in any browser. All colour codes are in hexadecimal. Make
    sure your stylesheet contains no html. The specifications for this stylesheet are:
    table Gridlines: All gridlines solid
    Internal gridlines 1 pixel thick
    External gridlines 2 pixels thick
    Borders: All borders collapsed
    Headers: No table header details specified
    h1 Colour: Red 33, Green 0, Blue 66
    Font: Helvetica Neue, but if not available
    then Calibri, or if these fonts are not
    available, the browserโ€™s default sansserif
    36 points high
    Alignment centre
    h2 Colour: Blue 99, Red 33, Green 0
    Font: Arial
    18 points high
    Alignment right
    p Colour: Red 0, Green 0, Blue 08
    Font: the browserโ€™s default sans-serif font
    14 points high
    Alignment left
    body Background colour: Red 99, Green CC, Blue FF
    โ€ข Correct and complete this stylesheet using the information above.
    โ€ข Save this stylesheet in your 1631_html folder. Use the file name 1631st followed by your
    candidate number. For example, if your candidate number is 9999 then you will call the file
    1631st9999.css [20]
    Take a screenshot showing the content of your stylesheet and place this in your Evidence
    Document. Make sure that the file name is clearly visible.
    4 โ€ข Analyse the stylesheet started by the trainee and evaluate its contents. [4]
    Type your evaluation into your Evidence Document using no more than 100 words.
    ยฉ UCLES 2016 0417/31/M/J/16
    5 โ€ข Open the file 1631manta.htm using a suitable software package.
    โ€ข Attach the stylesheet saved in step 3 to this web page. [1]
    6 โ€ข Replace the text candidate name, Centre number, candidate number with your name, Centre
    number and candidate number. [1]
    7 โ€ข Replace the text Place logo here with the image 1631logo.png
    โ€ข Make sure that appropriate text is displayed if this image is not available. [2]
    8 โ€ข Make the image 1631logo.png a hyperlink to send an email message to [email protected]
    with a subject line Tell me more [5]
    9 โ€ข Select the most appropriate images from those saved in Step 2 and use them to replace the
    following text:
    ยฐ Place flag of Fiji here
    ยฐ Place flag of Honduras here
    ยฐ Place flag of Indonesia here
    ยฐ Place flag of Maldives here
    You may use the file 1631flags.pdf to help you.
    โ€ข Resize each of these images to be 140 pixels wide, maintaining the aspect ratio.
    โ€ข Save the web page. [3]
    Display the web page in your browser. Take screenshot evidence of the web page in the
    browser and place this in your Evidence Document.
    Take a copy of the HTML source and place this in your Evidence Document.
    The trainee has started to develop the Maldives page for this site. The image 1631manta1.tif has been
    supplied to them to be included on this page.
    10 โ€ข Examine the file 1631manta1.tif. Explain in your Evidence Document why this image is
    unsuitable for inclusion on the Maldives web page and what you could do to enable it to be
    used. [4]
    Type your explanation into your Evidence Document using no more than 100 words.
    ยฉ UCLES 2016 0417/31/M/J/16 [Turn over
    11 โ€ข Edit the file 1631manta1.tif to make it suitable for a web page.
    โ€ข Place this image in the web page 1631maldives.htm so that it replaces the text Place image
    1631maldives here [4]
    Take screenshot(s) to show how you edited the file and place this in your Evidence
    12 โ€ข Attach the stylesheet saved in step 3 to this web page. [1]
    13 โ€ข Replace the text candidate name, Centre number, candidate number with your name, Centre
    number and candidate number.
    โ€ข Save the web page. [1]
    Display the web page in your browser. Take screenshot evidence of the web page in the
    browser and place this in your Evidence Document.
    Take a copy of the HTML source and place this in your Evidence Document.
    [Total: 46]
    ยฉ UCLES 2016 0417/31/M/J/16
    Task 3 โ€“ Spreadsheet
    You are going to prepare a spreadsheet to manage the budgets and create charts comparing 6
    global projects. Unless working in local currencies, display all currency values rounded to the nearest
    US dollar. The file 1631currency.csv contains information about countries and their currencies. Make
    sure that you use the most efficient methods to do each task.
    14 โ€ข Using a suitable software package, load the file 1631sheet.csv
    โ€ข Save this file as a spreadsheet with the file name 1631_ and your Centre number and candidate
    number. For example, 1631_ZZ999_9999
    โ€ข Insert 2 new rows above row 1. [1]
    15 โ€ข In cell A1 enter the title TMCP Projects 2016
    โ€ข In cell A2 enter your name, Centre number and candidate number. [1]
    16 โ€ข Merge cells A1 to H1.
    โ€ข Format this cell so that:
    ยฐ text is centre aligned with a white, 36 point, sans-serif font
    ยฐ it has a black background colour. [4]
    17 โ€ข In cell B4 enter a function to look up, from the external file 1631currency.csv, the name of the
    currency for Honduras. [6]
    18 โ€ข In cell B5 enter a function to total the Amount of money in local currency for the Honduras
    project. [4]
    19 โ€ข In cell B6 enter a formula to look up, from the external file 1631currency.csv, the exchange
    rate from the local currency to US dollars for Honduras. Multiply this value by the total for the
    local currency, rounded to the nearest dollar. [5]
    20 โ€ข Replicate the formulae entered in steps 17, 18 and 19 for each project. [1]
    21 โ€ข In cell H6 enter a function to add the total income in US dollars. [1]
    22 โ€ข Sort the list of individual donations into ascending order of Project then descending order of
    Amount [2]
    23 โ€ข Apply appropriate formatting to all cells in rows 3 to 6 inclusive. [4]
    ยฉ UCLES 2016 0417/31/M/J/16
    24 โ€ข Save your spreadsheet.
    โ€ข Print only the cells A1 to I6 showing the formulae. Make sure:
    ยฐ it is in landscape orientation
    ยฐ the row and column headings are displayed
    ยฐ the contents of these cells are fully visible. [2]
    Make sure that you have entered your name, Centre number and candidate number on
    your spreadsheet showing the formulae.
    25 โ€ข Print the spreadsheet showing the values. Make sure the:
    ยฐ printout fits on a single page wide
    ยฐ contents of all cells are fully visible. [1]
    Make sure that you have entered your name, Centre number and candidate number on
    your spreadsheet showing the values.
    26 โ€ข Extract only the data for Fiji and the Maldives, where the Amount of the donation was more
    than 90
    โ€ข Print only this extract showing the values. Make sure the:
    ยฐ printout fits on a single page wide
    ยฐ contents of all cells are fully visible. [2]
    Make sure that you have entered your name, Centre number and candidate number on
    your spreadsheet showing the values.
    27 Save and print your Evidence Document.
    Make sure that you have entered your name, Centre number and candidate number on
    your Evidence Document.

  • @SUmof1 -64 rep for a reason XD


    @SUmof1 -64 rep for a reason XD

    Legend XD

  • @zazzles "HALL OF FAME" of TWS. He tops the list from the bottom.
    started from
    EDIT: "Started from the bottom still here.....started from the bottom my broke-ass still here"