Nope she's not cheating you are just overthinking...
Is flirting cheating ?
@Kiss_My_Axe hey follow back let’s chat
@GirlNextDoor no as long as it doesn't go any futher
@GirlNextDoor if you are single then NO...😝🤣
IF YOU ARE IN RELATIONSHIP THEN Start flirting with your girl 🤣 then its not cheating 🤣
Healthy flirting is the best thing but it will not be cheating. U will know when it is cheating
girls do like flirting though
Don’t think so... it’s just flirting if you need one when that person didn’t give you the satisfied enough lol.... it’s fun and make you smiling and feeling sexy or whatever it could help some people and their relationship or whatever haha
But.... YOLO!
tbh, I count it as cheating. if youre uninterested enough and bored of your SO enough to shift your focus on someone else and flirt, that's a major problem, and not healthy for the other person because it can cause trust issues later on down the road., im not saying you cant flirt while in a relationship, that's your business. but if you truly love this person, don't do it. hope this helped!
@GirlNextDoor you want to talk about it.
@GirlNextDoor actually depends upon you and your partner. Let's get real everybody checks out someone or the other be it in relation or not. So technically flirting is kinda a no-go option whilst in relation but..if u guys (in relation) have a solid trust base a simple flirt won't harm. It's just the way of life. End of the day you know your priorities.
@GirlNextDoor of course not
Of course it is
Well it's not cheated but to guys we might get really jealous and scared that you'll leave us....... No.... just me?
@GirlNextDoor hello there and i have to be honest and say that it depends on the situation because flirting can be harmless fun and usually everyone does it
depends if you flirt with someone u like or flirting because u want to avoid a traffic ticket or better job etc.
@GirlNextDoor no it is react of people
It's better to have then cheat your wife take another girl at home
@Willow hi
@GirlNextDoor I welcome u for fun.