• @hermes said in Stop being gay - I will not put a longer title TWS:

    Stop trolling lol @SUmof1

    Hi Hermes. What was the last message you delivered to the Olympian Gods about?

  • @thestrangest That wasn't my point, i'm trying to tell you that drank is still correct. The reason it isn't used in standard dialogue anymore is to avoid association with alcohol. i can do this all day i'm not wrong.

  • @sumof1 what do you mean by correct? It isn't grammatical correct, that's for sure. If you mean correct as in acceptable then sure(just not in English class)

  • @thestrangest i'm basing this off from the comment from the first picture i sent, it was correct from 17th to the 19th century but after that it was considered to be synonymous to 'inebriate' but it has always been acceptable.

  • @sumof1 hmmm. Interesting. Now that you add the date it helps. So it was correct and used a lot from around the 16 hundreds to the end of the 18 hundreds. Good to know. I for some reason want to know more now. I wonder where i can

  • @thestrangest yes, that's what i've been trying to get you to see, finally. you can read more about it on that site.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @sumof1 do you think there's a word for the history of a word?

  • @thestrangest probably not, why don't we make one for it now?

  • @sumof1 well etymology is the origins of a word

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @sumof1 what is the etymology of etymology? I know "logy" comes from λόγος(prononce logos) in greek. But What about étymo at the beginning of etymology, let me google it

  • @thestrangest well since this whole thing felt like a process what about adding a ring to it that makes it sound like a process something like photosynthesis is but not as complicated

  • @thestrangest vathýtetymology how does that sound i got the vathyt from deeper or revised since finding the history of history is digging deeper in time

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @sumof1 the etymo- in etymology comes from ετυμος (prononced etumos) in greek. And Victory in green le ιστορία(prononced istoria) in greek. So shouldn't the history of a word be something like istorology/ histology/historology

    Coming from

    ιστορία(prononce istoria) meaning history in greek

    λογος (pronounced logos) meaning "word" in greek

  • Banned

    This is a sick message delete it (:

  • @thestrangest It does sound like a real thing.

  • @millzzz i don't have enough privileges

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @sumof1 well let's see. After further research i found out that from the options i found(istorology/ histology/historiology) histology and historiology are taken:



    so the only possibility that's left is istorology/istorology/istology

  • @sumof1 said in Stop being gay - I will not put a longer title TWS:

    @thestrangest vathýtetymology how does that sound i got the vathyt from deeper or revised since finding the history of history is digging deeper in time

    That sound great too

  • @sumof1 let me check if it's already a thing

  • @thestrangest i mean even if we do manage to make one that isn't taken it won't really ever get to the point where it is used