• ....You don't need to have an MBA. All you need is a great Idea. Anything is possible and you can accomplish it.

    Let me try to explain.

    Itโ€™s very easy to initiate and even grow it from current level to next level if you perfectly know your hidden skill and your interest for what you can do anything.

    Yes, skill plays important role to initiate and to grow your business. Once you find out what is your skill, you should utilize your skill for improving your health & wealth.
    Another important thing you should remember that you are a pure individual. I mean in this world no one is free to make your dream come true so itโ€™s your duty to get up early in the morning, to finish your day routine and to upgrade your skill.

    God give unique gift to each individual same way you have also hidden gift inside you that will definitely change your life. Just you have to manage at least 3 hours in a day for upgrading your skill.

    Don't be lazy. Wake up and do your best.

  • @_ajay_
    Good job :)

  • @Saloniii
    Thank you, I just tried to write motivational post. :)

    I think many people believe, to make bright career Degree and Qualifications are required. But T.W.S users know that Life teaches us lots more than books.

    U don't believe me but hardly 25% theory are useful in real life projects. Clients/ end users never look on which method developer used to achieve their requirements. Clients only focus on quality output not methods.

    Don't wait for an opportunity but do best to create opportunities . :+1:

  • @_ajay_
    Yep that's true :) i agree

  • That was uplifting and encouraging.