Who would like to become a moderator to control TalkwithStranger ?

  • @talkwithstranger i would ask to be a mod but i've had issues recently. I don't know if i'd be voted for.

  • Second post, i'd like to become a mod to filter out any issues we have here. My timezone would be Eastern Standard Time. I'm online quite a bit and am witness to a lot of spam, arguments, and insults.

  • As i mentioned in my previous post, I would like to be a mod, i hate being on when there is a spammer controlling chat and all i can do is flag him until a mod comes on alot later. We simply need more mods, so that things like what just happened can be prevented ( a spammer spamming porn hentai etc in public chat where there are alot of underage people). I am on pretty much everyday, my time zone is central european time.

  • Music Lovers

    Sounds fun. Do I get free bananas? I can be serious... if that's what you're looking for. I can allocate to your standards and provide excellent skills to prevent spam and inappropriate pictures that are shared. If anything, I don't if I'm the right candidate, I think I could help out quite a bit. If I'm not what you're looking for, that's fine. But after what I've seen today, I think some moderators need to be more active and take control. I'm fairly active and can take things into my own hands, of course to your limits and with help of the many other great moderators of this site. I'd just love to have more reputation on here, I really like conversing with people, but that gets interrupted by some people that go on this site. Thank you for taking your time to reading this.

    Germany (UTC/GMT +2 hours)

    Sincerely, Bananaman99

  • I would like to become mod. I think it would be a great responsibility. So if possible, I would love to. I may on every day.

  • @whitewolf ooo me

  • I would very much enjoy becoming a moderator on this site. I feel like contributing to such things would broaden my horizons, and make me more aware of things that are going on, on tws. If and when I may perhaps become a moderator, I would make sure to never abuse my powers, and only delete spam posts, or posts with any type of sexual content, such as photos. And I would flag/ban bad users, or people who would spam in chat after given three warnings. I'd be nice to all users, and greet new users, and I would be happy to link new friends to this welcoming site in hopes to bring new users. Thank you for your consideration.

  • Banned

    @winter @jamjam @veitak @kens0me

    All horrible moderator candidates.

    They are simply too emotional and would ban a person for not accepting their opinion.
    They wouldnt respect mod rules, when becoming a mod your only friend should be site rules: no favoritism/abuse.

  • @sky

    when becoming a mod your only friend should be site rules: no favoritism/abuse.


  • Banned


    Im only saying this because of the relations ive had with them. Nothing personal.

    Also some of them have been previous spammers.

  • @sky kek

  • @sky Winter is the only emotional person out of all of us. None of us would ban out of not accepting an opinion.

  • Banned

    @veitak When your friend exposes you to save himself.

  • @sky when you're so salty about being unmodded and banned, you try and ruin other people's chances at being mod

  • @jamjam was @sky a mod. I don't think so

  • @alwaysstranger kek was a mod, guess who sky is

  • @sky let's take that to the DM's. Didn't expose anyone to save myself, i exposed for the sake of letting people know who is doing the wrong thing.

  • @jamjam i don't think sky is kek. Look at his profile and previous posts. I think you guys are being unreasonably suspicious

  • @alwaysstranger sky is kek, If you were his friend (like I was) you can see the the patterns in his personality, before kek, Sky was the most active, then while kek, Sky was really inactive (I wonder why?) but that alone can't prove that's he is kek, neither can the fact that sky changed his profile pic because it was actually a picture from kek irl, neither can the link in his bio that I've seen many times (kek likes to redirect url's so they look different) Sky has only been laying low because he is scared that if he shows his head he will be assumed as kek (which just happened) what kek did was wrong and we don't want another abusive mod, even if he is not kek we have the right to be suspicious.

  • @kens0me ok. I guess that might be true. Now that i look back @sky has a weirdly insecure personality but he was nice to me so i thought he wasn't kek. If you guys think he's kek i guess he might be kek. Ok?