@Tall-M Bit coins is fairly new. I have to think about that.

Posts made by Nimbus
RE: If you could have a one minute conversation with your future self or past self, which would you choose?
RE: Would you rather die by burning or drowning?
Just thinking about explosions make me cringe.
RE: What pet's have you had?
Occasionally some Raccoons appear in the yard. Guessing those count as pets. 😅
RE: Useful information/hacks
For those tough stains or odors. Try pouring lemon on it. Let us sit, scrub, & rinse. Repeat if necessary.
RE: Good movies to watch?
Watch Epic Movie for a cheesy comedy. Unless you're into action, horror, or drama.
Lots to choose from...try Interstellar. It will make your mind go, "...huh, so thats how it is?"
RE: Would I look good with black hair?
Don't dye you whole head black, but make highlights out of it. Have it near the end and leave the rest natural so its half & half.
RE: If you could have a one minute conversation with your future self or past self, which would you choose?
I would talk to my past self. So i can have a list of things to do, and better prepared.
A long list at that. Many things i would fix or try to achieve so I didn't feel like poop at the end.
RE: Hey guys let's chat 😛
Once you get a job, keep it. Because you will need every penny in your gosh dang piggy bank. Save as much as you can.
RE: I just need some fucking laughs.
Who made the turducken?
RE: I just need some fucking laughs.
Who made the turducken?
RE: I just need some fucking laughs.
Who made the turducken?
RE: I just need some fucking laughs.
Who made the turducken?
RE: World Choices....
@Rajeev2021 The only way to know for sure is by going there and seeing for ourselves. Mostly gaseous but i have a hunch there is some kind form of land.
@Tall-M Lol i wouldn't try and fight the thing either. Its too horrifying.
World Choices....
The question of the day is...
"Would you rather walk on the violent surface of Jupiter or have dinner with "The Thing" (horror film creature that morphs into their victims 😢)?
RE: What's a weird smell you like?
The strangest smell i like would be burnt coal. Or the new car scent.
RE: Dumb quote of the day
"Reservoir Dogs is a great movie."
-Some lame Idiot-Once i saw the film, it was stupid upon stupid. Should have been named Reservoir Stooges.
RE: Banning People (bots?) 😂
I will add to this because I feel the mods have to implement another step to the situation.
While users are creating an account. There should be some authentication method of verifying its the users themselves. When I created an account, it gives the option of 3 things:
- manually creating a new account
2)uses google to log in
3)Facebook is also another option to connect here
My point is those options are too easy to gain access in the web site via social network. Bots or trolls can make any account they want by spamming useless messages. Hope i made this clear