Best posts made by mikeJB
RE: hello everyone. Got some amazing news.
@Rosalie_17 that boy is lucky. you're adorable
RE: Have you ever tried to actually kill yourself?
@pardis2001 but you now have someone/something to live for :)
RE: some songs that show you can be whoever you like
everyones anthem or at least it should be
RE: Is Migration Bad???
@Lucky-Dude i dont blame them. but i wish they would realize we do not have unlimted resources! also think about this. you come over with your 5 kids. those 5 kids will be taught in OUR schools. which them become crowded. that hurts kids already there. then i have to find ajob and food for you . does that job cost someone else? what about the money that goes to help you. where does that come from? the whole system is flawed but you have to understand American backlash.
RE: Are you a reader?
fav jules verne for me is journey to the center of the earth
i went to Kobe's page and wrote this>
been crying for 4 days and still crying as i write this. i was never really a basketball fan and never knew that much about you. your death however changed me and transformed me. you showed me how someone can rise above. how to be a good father, husband, friend, and better person to those around them to better themselves. i think God allowed this to take place simply because he has reasons for everything and they are always supposed to have meaning for good in the end. my bible tells me that. He makes light from dark. so i think it took death for people to realize the real reason you are a hero. not with what you could do with a basketball, but what you could do to love, inspire, and lift up those around you. we were so fixated on the sports star, but God showed us the transformed MAN was more important to acknowledge. that is how i am forced to make since of this tragedy. you became my hero and you and your ideals and mission will live in me. i realize now superheroes really do walk amongst us. and they are even mortal 😭
RE: Shocking truth?
think that quote shook you up, try this one . heard it after death of kobe:
"living is measured in how much of yourself and your time did you give to those around you. death is the judgement of that time and how much of it you gave
RE: is there a Dr in the house?
@idek2019 i do a climb of my 3 flights of stairs for about 10 min every day. maybe walk some. no weights. another symptom...i always feel cold even in a hot stuffy house
RE: is there a Dr in the house?
@idek2019 yep CENTRAL sleep apnea. not obstructive
RE: is there a Dr in the house?
@idek2019 apnea would DEF cause the high c02. but i still think it is hypothyroid
RE: is there a Dr in the house?
@AllAboutGay yes there is . and no i dont want your thermometer in my ass
please explain this????
wtf is the difference between INSTAGRAM and TWITTER? im starting to think no one uses twitter anymore??? i see posts all coming off instagram now. do they not provide the same thing? both do video? both do pictures? why do we need both? enlighten me
yeah, and im fresh outta chlorine! --die hard 2
"smith and wesson......and me"--sudden impact
"anticipation of death is worse than death itself"--hard to kill
"lets not worry about the moon, we have the stars"--now, voyager
"today i consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth"--pride of the yankees
"you beat a man with a whip...and he likes a whip"--helter skelter
"i love the smell of napalm in the morning"--apocalypse nowand everything from eddie murphy : RAW :)
RE: Confess anything you want to
when my mom was younger and hotter, she was in a miniskirt drunk on my floor once and i had my hand on her thigh and we were talking and i wanted to kiss her. i never did and her boyfriend came in and that was that. one time thing