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Best posts made by Kina_Joy
Happy new year guys
Just come one here once in awhile happy new year bring joy!
RE: I think it’s easy to realize what I’m here for. Who’s up for it?
@sarah_the_magpie Yeah I think he needs clothes should we do a fund raiser or something? lol
I'm really thankful for my brother he has autism and he inspires me alot even tho I think I can't do stuff he really helps me he's amazing you wouldn't think he's autism but he drives, he works as a radiologist technician, and he has two wonderful babies just amazing!!
Who told you, you couldn't love yourself?
You could never love anyone eles unless you love yourself...
RE: why we have too many perv here lol like literally :D
So stop saying stuff like oh if you want to get your dick wet and all that stuff because your a crock and that girl in your pic remember was your friend not you...
RE: Anyone want to talk I'm bored
@Addicted4life Are you like 12 or something? because you act like one
Who is your favorite person on here?
I have a few people on here but I don't like like them but they're nice
Just stop like stop
stop sending me stupid pics of your stick and like don't talk to me about s*xual things thank you I like normal talks kk
RE: why we have too many perv here lol like literally :D
Oh be quiet your a guy and you know it and you can like stop sending me pics of your dick thank you seriously 8 pics?
Thought I post to this sad site
I mean look at this place its like living in a graveyard... No make up good morning btw
RE: Should your government control your diet?
@ObviouslyLucifer Could you make that a little shorter like summarize it?... because wow thats alot of words
Why I'm here for reals
Because for a friend so boys don't talk to me
My new account is Kahina JBibi
Hi my name is Kahina or Kina joy for short some people know me but this is my new account so I wouldn't message me on my old account because I deleted it and I won't answer to you
RE: Tell me about your pets!
girl I love your pet and your hair mine was black and white just like yours
RE: Thought I post to this sad site
@chewie Thought I check in on all you guys