@cant-breathe at this point I just want to delete all accounts that I have and isolate myself because srojiwpek the only way I can express this is keyboard spam because it's sad that we have trust issues but it's even sadder how mental health isn't a detailed course in school so we can dissect how to solve our internal issues and so people can understand why some people act the way they do. I could keep saying it sucks to everything but in general I guess people just suck sometimes

Best posts made by K.qwerty
RE: Friends being clingy and general angst
RE: Friends being clingy and general angst
@Deimat Sometimes I wish I could just change my personality to be the equivalent of a brick so no one would find me worthy to talk to while other times I want to be better to the people i know
RE: Friends being clingy and general angst
@cant-breathe ouch at least it seems like you had the last laugh? still that level of betrayal my god
RE: Friends being clingy and general angst
@cant-breathe some people may say otherwise but if they broke you down like that for 27 years and you were sensible enough to not kill them I feel you like feeling joy out of the lie that is their life is deserved seeing as you've grown and moved on without them.
RE: Friends being clingy and general angst
does girlfriend count? basically we had no communication which was both of our faults I'm not saying that I didn't contribute but basically she ended up breaking up with me over text, making up a story about me dating two people during my time dating her (which she probably got the idea from my poor friend), and then asked her ex in which was my friend and wanted nothing to do with her on a date within a few days after breaking up with me. Is this the worst thing relationship wise I'll experience? I'm not finding out
RE: Friends being clingy and general angst
@cant-breathe yeah lol. the only reason I'm still even thinking about it so heavily is because my friend who is also my ex's friend brings her up sometimes for some reason. Which just makes me want to scream that her life isn't my business why are you telling me this??