I have dated an Asian woman before. Yep, before we broke up. On the first stages of our relationship, everything was going smooth. We also had our ups and downs but we both tried to work it out. We had our differences and tried to understand things that differ from both our cultures. We were okay until she introduced me to her family. I know that dating an Asian woman means dating her family also but I never thought it was that difficult to do. I’ve always thought it was easy. Don’t get me wrong, though, I did make the effort to win the approval of her parents and the rest of the family even the rest of the clan, but no matter how hard I tried, they never liked me. I think it has something to do about marrying a foreign man. And yes, it was the reason for our break up. I guess I never really considered how important Asian families’ opinions on relationships until that time.

Posts made by indoubtbf
Winning her family's approval is harder than I thought.
RE: I am about to get married to a woman I do not actually love.
Dude, I really need an advice from you guys because my mind and heart now is in trouble and I don't know what to do now.. Please help!!!
I am about to get married to a woman I do not actually love.
I have been together with her for 7 years. We lived under one roof and actually have gotten used to each other. But I do not want to get married to her. Don’t get me wrong, I did love her all these years but right now, I just know that I’m in love with someone else. I was assigned in Thailand for 2 years and before I left, I proposed to her and promised to marry her when I get back. I was so sure that I loved her at that time but after a year in Thailand, everything just changed. With the work I have, it is inevitable that I meet all sorts of people and yes, I have met a lot of Thai ladies and one got my attention in particular. She is dazzling and well-educated. We gotten along so well that I fell for her and forgot that I have a fiancé back at home. We dated and I couldn’t tell her about the real situation. While I was away, my fiancé was preparing for the wedding herself. She wanted to save me the trouble of the preparation. Two days from now, I will be married to her but here I am thinking of the woman I love from Thailand. I am completely torn and confused.
RE: My ex has a boyfriend but she wants me back.
Can I ask your advice about my problem guys please help me what i should follow now?
My ex has a boyfriend but she wants me back.
I had a girlfriend before whom I met in an international dating blog. Unfortunately, things had to end up between us since my parents wanted me to focus on my studies and finish up my degree first. Since I was only a year away from my graduation, I agreed to it. We didn’t really have any communications after breakup but I knew he has a new boyfriend. Graduation came faster than I thought it would and I was finally allowed to have a girlfriend. Few weeks after graduation, my ex sent me a message asking me for pieces of advice on how she should deal with her new boyfriend. There were no hard feelings between us so I openly gave her some. Since then, we exchanged messages with each other almost everyday and she even calls me a few times. We became closer to each other until it reached to the point that I was slowly falling for her again... or maybe I have always been in love with her. I knew it was wrong so I had to do something. I told her to put a halt in our communication but she wouldn’t agree and ended up confessing that she still loves me. I don’t deny the fact that I want her to feel that way but I know that it’s a mistake given that she has a boyfriend. I don’t really know what I should do and who between my heart and my mind should I follow. I need your advice on this matter. Thanks.
I don't know if I could still trust her after what happened.
I have this serious relationship with an gorgeous woman I met in a Latin America singles club. Our relationship has lasted for more than two years already and in those years, we pretty much know everything that has to do with each other. We also have access to each other’s phones and social media accounts. She knows every single text I receive as well as every message I receive on any of my social media accounts. Due to the trust that we have built over the years, I never really bothered checking her phone or her social media accounts for quite some time now. Just recently, I have noticed how she has kept her phone with her all the time. The other day, she left her phone on the kitchen table while she’s in the comfort room. I tried checking her phone but as I opened it, it immediately asked for a password. We both have had no passwords to unlock our phones before. I had to shrug it off knowing I’ve trusted her for more than two years. I could have gone doing that until last night that I had to access one of her social media accounts to retrieve some files. A message from a guy popped up and I’ve read how they exchanged flirty messages with each other and how they even have the time to meet up more than thrice these past two weeks. She hasn’t told me anything about this. Should I still trust her with this at hand?