• @marija man you are woke for your age and your way of thinking seems to be heading in the right direction. Who have been taking the biggest roles in influencing your way of thinking. Like Noam Chomsky, George Carlin maybe one of the 4 horsemen of neo-atheism which are Sam Harris, Daniel D. Dennet, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens or even maybe just some good scientists like Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Michio Kaku, Lawrence Krauss...

  • Music Lovers

    @marija said in Conspiracy theorists unite!:

    @lasttrain94 okay...

    So, for really far-fetched ones that, even if physically possible, are based on little evidence or take real evidence to an insane degree I like anything with aliens being involved in history and gubbamint tryin' to turn the Fricking frogs GAAAY! (Alex Jones reference) because those sorts of things are actually pretty funny because of how dumb they are.

    As for beliefs that would commonly be considered conspiracies but that I find actually pretty believable: Slobodan Milosevic was, while not my dream president, not this genocidal dictator he was hyped up to be (even if guilty, not nearly as brutal as NATO). I also pretty much disregard a lot of what the US government says about countries it doesn't like due to how it supports actual dictators like the Saudi monarchy and pretty racist and oppressive countries like Israel.

    So there's my favorites (both sarcastically and seriously). Tell me what you think of them.

    Honestly Alex Jones just seems like a big distraction to me he always says things in a way that is so ridiculous that even if there is a hint of truth in it he turned it into a joke. And yeah I agree with you on the whole disregarding whatever the US says considering they act in a manner that is completely hypocritical of what they say. Not to informed on Slobodan Milosevic but yeah I do agree NATO was an extremely overly destructive force during the Kosovo war, and deserves to be held accountable for their actions but I don't think that gonna happen anytime soon.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    Honestly Alex Jones just seems like a big distraction to me he always says things in a way that is so ridiculous that even if there is a hint of truth in it he turned it into a joke.

    Alex Jones is just a funny meme at this point

    And yeah I agree with you on the whole disregarding whatever the US says considering they act in a manner that is completely hypocritical of what they say. Not to informed on Slobodan Milosevic

    He was the president of Serbia and Also was probably very guilty for the ethnic cleansings in Bosnia and other things during the Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo conflicts and if i am right there wasn't enough proof against him so 3 or 2 verdicts were lost while he was held custody in prison and he also died in prison. I don't know that much about this too

    but yeah I do agree NATO was an extremely overly destructive force during the Kosovo war, and deserves to be held accountable for their actions but I don't think that gonna happen anytime soon.

    Yeh i read about the bombings. NATO is also a pretty destructive force in the middle east right now

  • @thestrangest said in Conspiracy theorists unite!:

    @marija man you are woke for your age and your way of thinking seems to be heading in the right direction. Who have been taking the biggest roles in influencing your way of thinking. Like Noam Chomsky, George Carlin maybe one of the 4 horsemen of neo-atheism which are Sam Harris, Daniel D. Dennet, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens or even maybe just some good scientists like Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Michio Kaku, Lawrence Krauss...


  • @marija that was a question

  • Music Lovers

    @Marija @TheStrangest what do you two think about the whole New World Order idea, collapse of the US economy and currency, world war 3, and the whole idea of an evil cabal trying to take over the world???

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @lasttrain94 said in Conspiracy theorists unite!:

    @Marija @TheStrangest what do you two think about the whole New World Order idea, collapse of the US economy and currency, world war 3, and the whole idea of an evil cabal trying to take over the world???

    I already talked to a guy who believed in the new world order and illuminati 2 months ago on here so I will just quote what I said from my previous account with some little edits. By the way the guy i was talking to had a character from the anime hellsing ultamite as an avatar so that's why i made a hellsing ultamite abridged alucard guessing that the anonymous ennimies are nazis by saying "MAYBE A LARGE ORGINISED LIKE THE NAZIS" and you won't understand why it is funny unless you want me to explain it to you.

    WOW, that went from 0 to a 100 real quick. I thought you were a good free thinker like me until i read more of your comments and realised that you're a fucking lunatic. I agree with what you're saying about the world... but your solutions for reform sound like they're coming from a 12 y.o. kid who watched a little too many conspiracy theory videos on youtube. My solutions for reform go more along the lines of changing the education system to teach philosophy at a younger age so that people doubt authority more and shit like that. You're fucking acting like we're literally in George Orwell's book "1984", in the book just for the sake of the story it's just 1 association that is poisoning people while making them believe that they're free but in reality it's not like there is (unnecessary hellsing reference) a mass organised group like the nazis or what you would call illuminati behind closed doors controlling the news... but it's just the fact that ignorance is what rules the world not intelligence and the idiots that control the news, the government and other things are just ordinary people who were given more power than they deserve and the power was handed to them by other ignorant people which are the majority of humanity and these ignorant people are from everywhere not like what you think which is that they're all from 1 country called illuminati which will kill anybody that realises it's existence. when you think that, then you're ignoring the reality which is that the problem is very out in the open for people to observe and in front of everyones eyes but people are too clouded to see it, by saying that the truth is hidden and until the illuminati is exposed then people will not be able to see the corruption is something that slows down improvement because it's delusional, untrue, just holds us back even more and puts you in the category of the ignorant people making the world worse but your skepticism even though it is illogical it is good aslong as it will lead you to more logical skepticism in the future. You're still partaking in the biggest cause for evil in the world which is religion, so i wouldn't expect too much from you anyways.

  • @thestrangest your comment makes me wonder what that guy was saying lol. What was his username?

  • @lasttrain94 said in Conspiracy theorists unite!:

    @thestrangest your comment makes me wonder what that guy was saying lol. What was his username?

    His username was @Ilija-Gromovnik and he was talking to a kid who's the same age as me and also my friend called @cephalon. Here is their full convo:

    @cephalon said in The truth about the world we live in!!!:

    @Ilija-Gromovnik The issue isn't that we don't care... It's that we can't do anything. Citizens will probably never have control over businesses since the government does a damn good job of keeping them in power over the people. Businesses will continue to do what they want, and we can't stop it. Only the rich and powerful can and they don't give a crap about the rest of society.

    You may as well enjoy the comforts of the world while you can, and if by some miracle you /do/ become famous, just remember to do good things with it. Bill Gates is an example of this. He donates millions of dollars to medical research, charity, and education.

    It's sad, really. We've dug ourselves into a giant hole, and we're not even the ones digging it anymore.

    @ilija-gromovnik said in The truth about the world we live in!!!:

    @cephalon You are wrong about the part that we are helpless against the system , the government and those mega corporations still cant completely function without us aka simple workers so in a sense we do have a lot of power and united we could pull the plug and cut the power supply if we had the courage to do so...you are one of those individuals who is aware of whats going on but you still don't wanna get involved and potentionaly put yourself at risk for the greater good , in the end you are nothing more than a simple pawn of the NWO agenda , they adore such pityful ressitance.

    @cephalon said in The truth about the world we live in!!!:

    @ilija-gromovnik If I saw something I could do, I would do it. But it takes such a large collection of people that it's nearly impossible to get everyone to do their part. If I saw other people resisting, I would do the same. But right now, we can't do crap unless by sheer luck everyone decides to put a stop to it all at once.

    I completely agree that something needs to be done because we're driving ourselves directly into a wall. But without numbers, I can't do anything meaningful.

    @cephalon said in The truth about the world we live in!!!:

    @Ilija-Gromovnik Don't get me wrong, this isn't my first time trying to answer this question. In fact, I've thought about this question so much that my economic views have shifted from free-market to Socialist. I'd love to make some change in the world. But alone, I am insignificant.

    @ilija-gromovnik said in The truth about the world we live in!!!:

    @cephalon You can't always wait for others to take initative , sometimes you have to be the one to stand up and take charge , but you are to afraid to do anything...

    @cephalon said in The truth about the world we live in!!!:

    @ilija-gromovnik Alright, then. I'll make some change. Where do I start?

    @ilija-gromovnik said in The truth about the world we live in!!!:

    @cephalon You can start by spreading the word about this subject , gather as many like minded individuals as you can. There is a lot of things you can do to fight the system and do something good for your family , that is to get as much indeependent from the state as you can , try to buy a piece of land and grow your own healthy food , throw the tv out of your house , stock up on weapons and resources for emergency situation and remove all your money from the bank , do not under any circumstances loan any money from them...those are a few good first steps for you!!!

    @cephalon said in The truth about the world we live in!!!:

    @ilija-gromovnik Alright, then. I'll make some change. Where do I start?

    @ilija-gromovnik said in The truth about the world we live in!!!:

    @cephalon You can learn to defend yourself and your family without access to firearms , learn some martial art , how to use a knife , stone or spear ...learn useful activities like survivalism , fishing , hunting etc... I'm aware that it is hard to do something without loans but remmember this system controls us trough debt that is a new form of slavery in the 21st centuary!

    @cephalon said in The truth about the world we live in!!!:

    @Ilija-Gromovnik About the guns though... I'm bipolar, so I can't get a gun license. And the whole loan thing isn't easy. It's nearly impossible to get your feet off the ground without loans nowadays... I won't be able to go to college or get a good house.

    @ilija-gromovnik said in The truth about the world we live in!!!:

    @cephalon You can learn to defend yourself and your family without access to firearms , learn some martial art , how to use a knife , stone or spear ...learn useful activities like survivalism , fishing , hunting etc... I'm aware that it is hard to do something without loans but remmember this system controls us trough debt that is a new form of slavery in the 21st centuary!

    @Ilija-Gromovnik Alright, I'm in. I'll try to get other people to do the same.

  • @lasttrain94 i said what i said right after they were done

  • @thestrangest lmao 😂 know I get your comment

  • @lasttrain94 by the i found a really good song from a guy i already talked to you about. Wanna hear it?

  • The Secret Societies (Illuminati/Freemason/Satanic/etc.) are real.

  • @korglife17 well, illuminati, idk, satanic, idk. But freemasons, i do know. When I was in massachusetts, we came upon this unmarked building with a strange compass like thing on it with 2 rulers, my friend who was with me in the car stiffened and said to give him a minute. He did some strange knocking ritual and a peephole opened where a pair of eyes appeared, they exchanged a few words and he left, visibly shaken and he told me to step on it. I later found out he was a freemason and he just was talking to a freemason congregationalist.

  • @friends Spooky...

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @korglife17 said in Conspiracy theorists unite!:

    The Secret Societies (Illuminati

    The illuminati does not exist as commonly described


    Yeah freemasons exist but they are not a secret society since people know they exist and can try to join them. But also the effects of freemasons in the world are super small and over exaggerated by conspiracy theorists.

    Satanic/etc.) are real.

    Satanism is real and also not a secret society since everyone knows it exists and there is literally a website for it called the ifficial church of satan. Satanism and the church of satan is not bad but actually a good influence on America and the world. Conspiracy theorists misrepresent the scale of how much the church of satan influences the world and it misrepresents their goals and generally in conspiracy theory culture the illuminati abd satanists are indistinguishable so since the illuminati does not exist then your concept of satanists do not exist.

  • @thestrangest said in Conspiracy theorists unite!:

    @lasttrain94 by the i found a really good song from a guy i already talked to you about. Wanna hear it?

    Yeah sure, lets hear it

  • @korglife17 said in Conspiracy theorists unite!:

    @friends Spooky...

    Wtf is so spooky about it. It os just a group of people who like to fucking act stupid around each other. The freemasons are like a more underground version of sciontology, both are just stupid as fuck and both are negative but not big enough to be feard

  • @lasttrain94 i wanna send you it but i think you will appreciate the lyrics a oot more if you spend 5 min reading the artists wikipedia bio

  • @thestrangest whos the artist?