• You have been lying to yourself for a long time now. Somewhere, something happened, and it made you forget. You forgot who you are, you forgot where you came from, and you forgot why you are here. The answer stares fiercely back at you in the mirror daily, but the message goes missed. You have forgotten how to live.

    Humans are the only species that pay to live on earth. This is a planet suspended in space that will outlive us all. It existed before us and is one of billions like it in motion in the universe. It is our home. Like siblings, we were all born here and are getting to know our new family. It belongs no more to me than it does to you. Unfortunately, most of us have forgotten this.

    I am going to present it simply. A bird never pays another bird in order to build a nest in a tree. A lion never needs a passport when he wants to visit another part of his jungle, and a fish damn well is not going to pay any taxes on the portion of the ocean that he is occupying. These are all absurd ideas.

    Being alive is one thing, yet living is entirely another. Your time is your wealth. There is nothing more important than the moment that you have right now. Slap yourself until you understand that. Now, these moments lined up end-to-end make up the movie that is your life.

    The sad reality is that we sell our moments. We sell our moments in order to eat. We sell our moments so that we can have shelter. We sell our moments thinking that there will always be another. This is your moment. Take it. Realize that the next moment, and the moment after that are yours and there are no boundaries.

  • @leo_sihra sigh let us first see how monetary economy came into being. You said things like, "A Bird never pays another bird in order to build a nest in a tree." The thing you must notice here is that unlike Humans, bird and other animals are predominantly independent. I mean, it is possible for it to take care of its own and its needs are much simpler than humans. We have needs that require resources that are spread out in the world. So, how could one get all the required resources?

    They tried to barter at first. It was simple enough concept. You give something and get something in return, whose volume is agreed on by both parties. But, this proved to be ineffective as more and more complex and rare objects came into the market. How could one determine something's value without having a parallel to compare? How did the value convert into the volume of the object they had? I mean, what determines the conversion rate.

    The Solution to this problem is to measure the value using a common denominator. They used things like Salt at first but later on moved to coins because they were easier to carry and more likely last the tests of time and from there, it evolved into the economy we have today. Today, almost the entire world has something like this.

    Of course, that doesn't mean that there are no exceptions. Take the Inuits, a nomadic tribe in the Arctic as an example. They have no economy. There, no one is rich or poor. Everything is shared by the tribe members. These types of societies are called, "Egalitarian". Google it, if you are interested.

  • i dont know. the main question sound stupid.
    where is the place when you have to pay your breath?
