Hello there, do you need help?

  • Hello,
    My partner and I (M/M) have been together for just about 2 years now. We’re both in our mid 20s, come from culturally Jewish backgrounds, and share many values. We met while both living in LA and were fortunate enough to both move to NYC for grad schools. We don’t currently live together as our schools are in different boroughs, but see each other most weekends as a compromise. Recently, my partner has been trying to make more friends as our social network seems to more heavily skew toward people that come from my experiences (school, past work, etc). He definitely wants more “guy friends” but also just more friends he feels he can bring to “our” circle. I have the benefit of living on a grad school campus with in person classes and a large cohort (which means all my peers live in the same place, take the same classes in person) while my partner’s school is much less centralized and students are spread around manhattan and take classes in a variable order (mixed cohorts). I’m trying to understand how I can support him making friends organically while also not feel like I’m ignoring him or “missing out” on time with him. We have open communication and I’ve directly asked about how I can help him, or if I should give him more space (ie not come some weekends to give him more “free time” to make plans with other people) but he gets upset at the idea that I wouldn’t be around as much when I could be seeing as our time is already limited. I’m not sure how to support his social growth - I’ve tried suggesting he join student groups, try to take in person classes rather than hybrid/online, join local events and groups, etc. but he seems resistant to my ideas. What should I do? Please and thanks for your thoughts

  • @raine505 HII I CAN BE YOUR FRIEND

  • @mattblack I..thank you

  • @IAM_INNOCENT thanks I would really like that

  • @DawnWillow go on tell me

  • @IamIsha wat?

  • Yes. Please! I do need help. Health issues have been unbearable lately. Need to chat with someone.

  • 48 years old and my 47 year old wife is in pretty severe decline. We have 3 kids.
    Just looking for some support. And you all on this site seem to be awesome when it comes to helping out.

  • @lucia-cares
    Hello , i’ve been having a rough week .. I really feel like i’m at a point in life where I’m asking / begging for God to take me out .

  • Yes , i kinda feel tht whoever i talk to like whoever it be apart from my parents i feel they be nice to me just because they r sympathetic towards me like i have had a couple of bad experiences further and whenever I be vulnerable abt it to a friend i feel tht they r being nice to me just because they sympathize to me and there is not depth to it and they don't see me as a real genuine friend . Which I know is my imagination they've never by there behaviour made me feel tht way . But my experiences made me this way. I really want to let go of this feeling.wht do i do ?

  • @raine505 hey dude. That's exactly what's happening to me right now. Lost all the motivation to do anything

  • @Jan8269 I recently became Muslim and it helped me so much with my motivation because I was motivated to pray everyday.

  • @lucia-cares I just needed someone to talk because life has been so tough to me lately. I use to ask myself why I am always not enough? I always question my self worth.

  • "Verily the help of God is always near"

  • @lucia-cares hi.. I really need some one to talk with... If you can listen please let me know...

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