I feel frightened about something

  • Banned

    What I want to express is my fear of telling my real age to people up here. When I get someone up my DMs and they ask for my age, I'm just cold like it just gives me chills and that leads me to lose enough confidence to even to talk to someone and I eventually go with the skipping spree. I am 27 years old and I am afraid enough to tell my real age to people and I am quite afraid that I might get exposed or being called stuff that could ruin my life. How do I get off with this fear? Any good answers to this would help

  • @Mr-SweetHeart there's nothing wrong to be an older person, you shouldn't take people too seriously, people will say alot of stuff, sometimes people are even mean and rude, but there are also good people too, enjoy your time with people and have a nice conversation, you shouldn't let yourself affect you by that, just ignore the all negativity

  • Banned

    @V23_ I am new here since last 2 days and the first day I started talking to people (especially girls), I'm being called a Pedophile. I'm just talking and doing nothing wrong. I don't get it. Why is this happening to me? Why?

  • @Mr-SweetHeart problem is you can't talk with minor girls, because alot of pedophiles in here, who target the young childerns you'll see them in random chats, with nasty usernames, most of them are indians, they have names like m40 looking for f16, and some even use vulgar usernames so everyone gets suspicious after seeing you talking to a young girl even tho you don't have any bad intentions, some people will even troll you, so be careful of people in here, you shouldn't let yourself affected by trolls it's not just you brother it did happened to me as well when i did nothing wrong

  • Banned

    @V23_ My intention is very clear. I am here to find a soulmate without having any bad intentions bro.

  • @Mr-SweetHeart i respect that but it's not a dating site you should try tinder, or the other sites, this site is just for random chat and nothing else, you'll end up hurt yourself in here, this site has alot of trolls and catfish people so you can't be sure if you're talking to a real person

  • Banned

    @V23_ How about I try Facebook dating groups. I guess there are legit and genuine people there

  • @Mr-SweetHeart that's good idea but i suggest you to find someone nearby, maybe there's somebody that you like in your office you can ask them out

  • Banned

    @V23_ Yeah I just joined around 50 to 100 dating groups and I'm getting many positive responses. I'm not getting responses from Indians though (LOL) but from Filipinos (much hottest and loved people on the planet)

  • some hilipinos are sexy

  • Live Chat Regulars

    You mean filipinas @Peek_A_Boom

  • Banned

    @Peek_A_Boom Exactly whether young or old, every girl is uffffffffff you won't imagine

  • younger is nicer but they have a fucked up mentality and a attention whore disorder

  • Banned

    @V23_ Come on facebook and see for yourself, your heart will melt OMG. Girls over here are actually nothing just pathetic tbh. And the best thing whether the girl is 10 years or 11 years old, they will still accept you being bigger than them. I swear

  • Banned

    Filipino girls are actually open minded people, better than any other nationality in the world @V23_ @Peek_A_Boom

  • @Mr-SweetHeart said in I feel frightened about something:

    And the best thing whether the girl is 10 years or 11 years old, they will still accept you being bigger than them. I swear

    DUDE are u fucking kidding me... kids that age don't have the common sense to not turn down an older dude why the fuck would you wanna date a 10 or 11 year old.... SERIOUSLY.

    Please correct me if I am wrong but are you actually willing to date a child?

  • Banned

    @Janet I'm talking about Filipinos. Not the girls over here cuz we know that girls over here are absolutely pathetic. So yeah. So boys, get on to Facebook ASAP.
