• Hi everyone, please help me😭, I'm am going trough a hard time in my relationship that I'm scared it might lead to depression. My partner and I have been dating for about sex months now. After he has been begging me to be in a relationship with him. I didn't want to get into a relationship because I'm hiv positive and I know people aren't accepting easily if you are hiv positive. I then decided to give him a chance. After I was comfortable enough I had to tell him about my status, and he was very shocked. He thanked me for telling him earlier and that he doesn't have a problem. But it seems he was lying because recently he has been treating me like I'm less human, he doesn't wanna touch me, he doesn't wanna kiss, and most of the time he is irritated by me. What hurts me the most is that I have fallen in love with him. But the way he treats me, he talks to me like I'm went sleeping around to get hiv. I'm so broken. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @Tex001 oh damn thats sad. But how did you get it? Also if you can prevent ut from getting him infected i dont think he would need to act like that. But believe me it is a big deal , not gonna lie.
    I think you should talk to him about his behaviour and be honest about how you feel and see how it goes. Rather know and get conclusion or be depressed and mistreated longer.
    Hope this is helpful

  • I was at ur place last time. But my way might be slightly different than yours. An advice from me. If you think you had enough with the problem, just think, this's my last day. So i wanted to be the best throughout the day. And the episode come again on and off. Do the same thing. Which is the best reflection of yourself. It built ur confidence.. in advance, when u dealing with the same thing in the future, you already have zillion of way to cather and fix the situation later on. I knew it's hard. But believe this, we were brothers@sisters. U r not alone ok. My prayers will be with u

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