I want to talk to a nice person every I talked to was mean seriously

  • @knownsense are you a fucking teenager? If you are, imma need your momma permissions to roast my balls.

  • @Sunwukong I told you didn't I ? Don't get into my head zillion of dark negative positive all pattern of thoughts and oh please ignorant child dont put up with doggy Pitty face now !! Well lot of other thoughts I thought better to start from formation like, it's a process to re engineering from base so wonderful innit ?? Oh my apologies if I have any faults !

  • @knownsense hmmm you are sick like always, babbling a lot. Told ya to checked yourself into the nursing, the old folks will loves your knownsense.

  • @Sunwukong
    Don't worry my words are enough to make you to wrap you own tongue Also to make you spit up on your own face angry cow happy being innit ??:

  • @Sunwukong that's all you can imagination really no sense at all rather feeling Pitty bitch you are

  • @Kina_Joy I'm from Madagascar. I really like Japan country and theses stuffs ^^

  • @knownsense what are you doing? Using animal, using mother father, just to pissed me...?

    Don't waste your time bruhh.

    The only way you can pissed me is sending your unattractive nudes.

  • @Sunwukong good night sunwentwrong woke up in wrong direction i guess ?? Take you bull to yourself and go away!! And sorry Mr or miss who ever ??'@kina_joy sorry to clutter your topic

  • @knownsense lmao.. Where r u going? Ur nuts roasted? Remember to eat it.

  • @Sunwukong really no interest or like to waste a time on you having so much of waste time with me , first time here in tws with u , having a conversation with you is like too fucked to have a fuck !! Ever felt it ?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
    talking to stupid fellow than me no make sense !!
    It's like throwing a stone to gutter, just splash back i get dirty !! I do understand and I am aware that I will hurt you feeling and make you head water Mellon squash
    .. is it worth nah really ?? with you oh good I am idiota !! U really don't have, really that maturity to have conversation with me!! And you dumb full of bukake cum on your lovely face !! Teenage girl wanna be milf

  • @knownsense this teenage girl you keep mentioning can make A momma pregnant.

    I might be stupid or dumb to you n you being smart for me. But doesn't mean you win.

    Please get your degree before checking yourself into the nursing home.

  • @knownsense did i make u bukkake cum on me? You must ne so hornyyyyyyyy....

  • @Sunwukong oh my gosh lol

  • @Sunwukong u really think I am horny if I am so horny I wouldn't typing here you dick head or cunt head however I would be fucking some women you pethatic waste cum !! Well waste defect sperm you are

  • @Sunwukong this teenage girl you keep mentioning can make A momma pregnant. Ok wonderful to know that, anyway so mine or your momma ?? If you can fuck my momma then that's nice I guess she need some good fuck young dick like you and she can keep a toy boy like you send you details here I ask her she can buy you your brother father all male who are young okie !!

    I might be stupid or dumb to you well you are numb nut all you know to think between legs so !!
    n you being smart for me not I don't consider I am smart don't assume please , I am all in to knowing!!
    . But doesn't mean you win, oye that all take it go away , ok you win. so no intelligence at all !! just have a big shit hole mouth innit ??

    Please get your degree well i have one PhD pussy hunting degree so all good I can get in!!
    before checking yourself into the nursing home.. is your momma working in night shift in that nursing home then I think about it ?? Please suggest me which nursing home I should get in ??

  • okie now this topic belong to this @Kina_Joy right ?? So why @Sunwukong is so upset about it and got offensive about my post I dont know where you came from as sudden errection wnako ??
    So question arises r u born for kina_joys father's dick ??
    Awarely unawarely I guess ??

  • @knownsense why should i be upset? this is so fun, for me personally. i just don't know why every replied you made after the first one was like so full of pornographic.

    "So question arises r u born for kina_joys father's dick ??" <--- what kind of retarded question is this? why do you have to keep using somebody's father n mother to your insult? please have respect for your own mother n father. what a fucking lunatic!

  • @knownsense you are creepy and horny lone soul n keep talking about sexual stuff? do you wanna sext fuck me? come DM me. imma make you cum over and over again.

  • @knownsense you still can type at the same time while doing handjob or giving free blowjob. lalalalalala

  • @Sunwukong 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣lmao okie Baba u r too cool for school !! I agree you dick is bigger than mine tip is painted red with communist symbol yeah and all you talk about sex and that's all you can imagine grow up boy and lot of assumption
