• Global Veteran

    As we all know, yesterday June 20th, 2020, marked the first day of Summer(The official start date for summer) due to the solstice at 5:44 pm EDT which was obviously good news to the Southern hemisphere as it was the Shortest day of the year good news to to some of our lazy pals but generally bad News as it marks the arrival of winter😧😭😭😭 I'm helping you cry lol sorry I know you'll miss me.(Sun) that's if the Cold Sun was of any use to you. But nothing completely meant to be perfect. I know at times the sun was too hot.
    Well to the Northern Hemisphere, I guess yesterday was completely good news to you guys. the only bad news today, June 21st, you're receiving the most direct sunlight causing the day last longer than any other day in the year. Call it longest day of the year. Enjoy the astronomical summer until the actumnal Equinox (Tuesday 22nd September) 2020. these two dates (20th and 21st June are very important days to the The North and Southern Hemispheres
