Ask Me anything I'm bored ..
@MichaelMartin have nothing to do
A man was outside taking a walk when it started to rain. The man didn’t have an umbrella and he wasn’t wearing a hat or a hood. His clothes got soaked, yet not a single hair on his head got wet. How could this be?
@DarkHorseDemon he's fucking bald
@Furious_Duck Wow nice want another one?
@julia1013 Here's one. Why was the man who got his lamps stolen sad?
@DarkHorseDemon I don't know
@julia1013 I'd like to keep chatting
@julia1013 I seriously bored now reading lot of bored post .. so I ask you how was all these days anything fasinating or thrill ?? Which you like to share with me??
@julia1013 Because he was De-Lighted... :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_closed_eyes:
@DarkHorseDemon that was a good one
Damn bored here. Should I junp out d window naked 😂
@julia1013 Thanks
@DarkHorseDemon ur wellcome
Are u Japanese or just live in there ? -
Hi darlinv can do sexting
Hey julia do you have any fantasies?if yes i'd love to hwar about that
can someone please help around here ..i think i'm confused
Hi baby hw u
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