• @abid596 Bro... Assalam alaikum...Dude Leave them alone...they just want Attention...Be yourself and ignore these kinda people and say.....I am proudly Muslim!

  • @Samir77 Yeah u r right .

  • @knownsense women are described as a tilth-a patch of land that can be approached whenever the man wants. women dont have equal rights as men in Islam. And I grew up in a very liberated Muslim family , I went to mosque learned the koran. Stop saying I never read it because I did. Don't you have any other comebacks. Maybe you should read the translation of the koran and tell me if it's a good moral book.

  • @abid596 actually it is both. If you want you can call it the koran or the Qur'an . Stop being so petty and I'm not looking for attention, I just want you to be a little more critical of your religion. You have no evidence that Muhammad was a moral person, you have no evidence that the koran is the spoken word of God. There are so many historical and grammatical errors in the supposedly holy book If only you were to read the translation of it. Open your eyes you're being deceived. Again I urge you to read the translation and as a good human being , tell me if they're divine.

  • @Ihateualll haha i just laugh on it . I just want to tell u that Quran is in Arabic Language not in English Lang . No more talk with u i dont know what were u reading .

  • @Ihateualll oh poor child , feel so bad for you got forced by elders and raped emotionally constantly again and again by theirs failure idealogy of Islam.. u didn't even did research about Islam and all you have big potty hole mouth with frustration! want be recognised here want some attention, need a shoulder to cry what you parents or elder folks did!! Please have research then you open you potty hole mouth okie, do not come up wih your pethatic ideas which do not have any base line or foundation that hate.

  • @Ihateualll 😂😂😂😂😂 Ilmao because just read in Arabic not understanding the meaning so what kiddo

  • @abid596 have you EVER heard of a translation? I dont need to learn Arabic, arabs have achieved enough imperialism as it is. And what difference will it make the content Is the same regardless of what language it is. You don't want to talk because you're childish . You can't handle criticism.Please grow up and stop resorting to these childlike comments.

  • @knownsense I am going to be honest here, most of the times I have no idea what you're saying.

  • @knownsense so judging from the way you type in English I doubt you even know what I said. I've done all my research and unlike most muslim families my family didn't abuse me in any shape or form. And what is interesting with Muslim men they always talk about sex and women and rape. Get a life there are no houris in heaven heck there is NO heaven. Even if god is real all Muslims are going hell. Muhammad was tricked by Satan it's even in your oh so holy book. Again don't be childish , criticise everything. I've done alot of research and maybe you shluld shut your mouth for once. Nothing that comes out of your mouth is intelligent

  • @mikeJB it's a dumb religion based of off paganism. Everything they do is pagan related. Why do they kiss the black rock which resembles a vulva , why do Muslims circumubalte the Kaaba - something the Quraish pagans did. Dont be fooled Islam is fake.

  • @Ihateualll no one does

  • @Ihateualll i wanna know how they condone child marriages

  • @mikeJB Theyre disgusting people. Muhammad was a disgusting sex addict. He used to fondle Aisha when she was 9. How Muslims think this is acceptable behaviour for a moral prophet is beyond me. And I don't know why, but in many countries child marriage occurs widely. These things belong to the sixth century not the present day.

  • @Ihateualll my dearie darling i accept it my English sounds weird and I Do not have skills to write I agree, I am Learning too, one day I shall write you with applied grammar!!
    thank you !! Wondeful, you did understand my language.. that's important I appreciate it I agree also that you are more smarter younger quicker in thinking than me bless you !! You didn't reach that level of wiseness .. that is experience borrowed or self that's the knowledge it is ! Lol 🤣🤣!!:I am not telling you, I am one..I am stupid , talking in stupid sense !!
    I do not give dam fuck to Muhammed or his relegion nor I am talking in favour of Islam or unfavourable of Islam. ok hope you crystal clear in your brain.. In Muslim, there are men also follow Islam so it's men with agenda and use women in the name of relegion with manipulation and lies plus with the fear or greed of God..Islam is best relegion people with greed and agenda all men has dick and dick love warm smussy hole only to cum, pussy most preferable women too that the universal fact!! Muhammed didn't had sex will all of his wife he married to save women please do research.. it long story, find out yourself
    so I am talking some sense with research from my sourroindingand plus have a experience too...studied a lot for myself.. u r so badly wired conditioned well by your base formation, family , elders older folks !! U can't take side with dislikes or likes and that come with possessive Ness and blocked mind with set of rules and regulations, not able to grow .. all unfavourable conversation will be hurtful can't accept as it is.. some people need relegion thank god you got treated well by Muslim and islamic family you should be grateful, thankful, be proud Islam worked did miracle around you and please appreciate it!! Why hate so much ?? it did work for your folks and elder right ?? Ask that why ?? Dumb young IGNORANT lady ?? For sure they are humble towards other religions too plus they do not ask to convert to Islam also give donations too isn't?? So what wrong in Islam ?? Think you dumb numb nut lady with clear mind.. not with negativity that all you are now i pray with allah that you come out soon see light positive!!

  • @Ihateualll dont forget sharia law

  • @mikeJB hands in pants white boy ! teenagers panty hunter, and @Ihateualll is teemsger who seek attention and a shoulder, Islam did work here too 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣you too good for each other trust me both have one thing in common hate and negativity that's all .. wonderful!! 🤣🤣🤣

  • Banned


  • @Katherine-k nothing he ever says is well said

  • @knownsense I'm an 18 year old girl doing medicine at university, yeah I'm dumb.
    Just because I'm curious about the religion I was born in doesnt make me a hater . How am I being ignorant?
    And Muhammad used to fuck all his wives in the morning even stating he had the sexual power of forty men. Islam is vile and you're a degenerate for supporting it.
