• @Rajeev2021 why you think god is racist when he don't exist for you? 2) query NADA !! So in which domain to are thinking that God gave all the priority to white folks ??

  • You guys!! This was a joke!! 😂😂😂

  • @knownsense In my first reply i never totally denied God's existence i literally told that i am not sure of his existence and also mentioned that"if" God exists he maybe racist which is true if you look at the world coz white people excel in everything.Also previously it is the white folks who have colonised the black ones whereas no black race ever colonised whites and it's quite natural because strong always looks down upon the weak,that's how nature works.So suppose if there is God why he has showered all the good stuff over the white folks,while ignoring the black people.

  • @Rajeev2021 u know what I have to agree for disagree okie? All good for you ..and comman sense is not for everyone one bro all well wishes for you god bless you 🙏

  • @Selena-G some people don't have comman sense for jokes too 🤣🤣 but ya awarely or unawarely people like to get abused and asking for it , so let it be, have a wonderful killing time and realising that people like this exist too,

  • @knownsense Yeah man keep your claims to yourself, fly in your delusion of being a smart ass that way coz that's what you're gonna do rest of your old life arguing with people baselessly to prove yourself or save your ego (maybe in order to impress women as you did here hoping to get some attention)and that's a nice attempt of objectifying me but i guess common sense belongs to those who literally have a proper reason to live and that reason i think lacks in middle aged persons trying to get to random women on internet by objectifying others to prove his fake intelligence.Also it is actually my fault replying to you for the second time considering your intentions.

  • @Rajeev2021 please Rajeev, don't open you pant and show your beautiful ass to me and request me please fuck me, now I will be a gay rapist and rape you unconditionally in my text ,and unfortunately you can't even scream because my dick will be in your throat so careful brother I will do it with dislikes and Consciously.. today you sleep facing you face to east so all will be moah Maya hai !!

  • @Rajeev2021 , do you have any anger toward middle age man? Did any middle age man show some like lolipop and raped you saying beta chaddi uthaar beta I give you one more lolipop??🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @Rajeev2021 Baba rajeev I am not smart or ass I am Stupid having conversations with you but I am concious that you are more stupid than me and I told you I agree for you I accept it and told you I agree for disagree so what is it now ??

  • @knownsense Triggered huh, probably that's your rapist mind could think off all this while probably because you were raped when you are young by some unknown person and you choked on his cum as his dick went down your throat and bled as he ass raped you hard,literally it's the life story of every filthy pedophile like you,probably you must had a sad life,literally feeling sorry for your parents.

  • @Rajeev2021 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 no comments please so I are asking for it okie

  • How young dumb full of cum are you ??

  • Mr Rajeev Gandhi

  • @Rajeev2021 getting information on digital base you are entering to new dumb cum race !!

  • @knownsense Rape me with replies,listen man you are not intelligent enough for making a good comeback probably because of your excessive low iq due to too much inbreeding in your family which i can see as you have seen too much rape which must have happened in your family.

  • @Rajeev2021
    Sorry bro...you don't own this site so I can bother any idiots like you😂😂
    I am literally laughing after reading your answer😂😂...
    Things I learnt from you :
    1)god is racist 😂... Really are you from this earth?? Or some planets where blacks were being slaves to the whites....
    2) whites have more physically stronger 😂...really bro are you insane... What do you think about koreans and Chinese( sorry I just used the countries name as examples.. No intentions to offend anyone)
    3) typing a long paragraph and thinking yourself as a scholar

    And for your kind information I just took out that beauty word after reading your whole nonsense story as I don't have a habbit of making a long story....

    Get a life. People think whites are racist but after reading your comments I found racism has no link with colours...

    And at last I can write to whatever thing I disagree with even it meant bothering you

  • @knownsense This statements are expectable from a person lacking dignity or low iq dumb nut.

  • @Rajeev2021 😂😂.... What a answer from a highly dignified and excessive High IQ person😂... You just abused 😂... Qualities of person with excessive IQ😂

  • @Rajeev2021
    Oh ignorant boy !! So pethatic oh poor Munna ajaa bache! I apologize if I hurt your feelings??
    I get it some part of brain is not avtivated it so take a chill pill and relax okie calm the fuck down..
    brother I know you are frustrated in life I do understand not having gf or to be loved or some one to love , peolple took you granted and lot of roller coaster ride in same track I get it. so I understand tell me what you think about middle age men like me brother all ears ..
    I know I have bone less tongue, I know well how to turn and twist, plus sharp as Katana,so I shall not go to Valkyrie mode .. I listen I am enjoying you jurdgemental perspective and I like people like you I learn a lot.

  • @Rajeev2021 come on then bring it on ?? And please tell me which part of india you live, brother when I traveled from kanyakumari to Kashmir , leh ladhak Himachal and back to south India I was 20 year old with BSA Motor bike 700cc!! R u aware any bike called British small arms , Enfield I guess and was 25 states back then , i seen and drunk all type of water in India