• @love-n-bailey-classes yes but in her case she asks for them and enjoys them

  • @mikeJB
    I m not saying that she asks for it, the point is it can be any other stupid guy belonging to any nationality no need to categorize.
    We Indians are far ahead in many things from the rest of the world and if people don't know they can jist google the facts.

  • @love-n-bailey-classes so you are better than everyone else eh?

  • @mikeJB
    We Indians don't believe in downgrading anyone. I am juat talking about facts and not categorize people and be so prejudice.

  • @mikeJB sending threatsπŸ˜‚.... But who cares... Yawns again

  • @reviewer_1 actually i was told "i will contact you but not here". so how else is he gonna do that? just told if he tries to show up, expect a battle. YAWN

  • @mikeJB , gun ha!! 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣, do not worry I. Not going to come near you house sneek through you window bro chillpill calm the fuck down ..
    do one thing , roll your gun as thin as you can shove it up in your ass ok.. once up one a time I was working in IT as , forget it you no need to know.. there was something called cloud 936 windows, ever heard of it , poor Americans never know how to connect unseen dot of tech-no-logic. all they know Technology works good, very happy and were proud to have gadgets bling bling !! I have I rock gadgets it's from a port or harbour do not have name..
    Hey all you dick cum face fuckers ,
    My tongue do not have a bone and I am very much aware of it , I know how to twist and turn with my Consciousness , also sharp as Katana , strong as Viking blade, Valkyrie mode Alt+F4 ..my words are enough to hang yourself upside down and make you to spit up on your face ok !!
    So now you are insecure isn't it, I shall get back to o you okie white boy untill then Adios mother fucker

  • @knownsense you are talking to someone that has dabbled in network security for over 15 fucking years. pentesting, routing, switching, network structure, etc etc if you are thinking of some lame ass hack attempt..puhlease. you are a rookie. i will even offer you up damn ip if you need it. have you learned how to bypass an SPI based NAT router? damn fool. please go kill yourself already

  • @mikeJB Why like this white boy ?? don't you know I speak non sense ?? Why cumma talk like a dog now go sleep take a chill pill ok

  • @mikeJB all you can do cut paste copy and sync send it all good

  • @mikeJB googles "cloud 936 windows" does not exist

    someone please remove this fraud from the server already

  • @mikeJB 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

  • @knownsense i copied n pasted that i know networking? lol! damn moron im arguing with

  • @knownsense they removed emojis you tool

  • @knownsense just like a sleeping dog, when you stick your hand in my face when i awake i will bite the thing off. try me

  • @mikeJB Getting information on the digital base and you are entering into new Race, good for you , point was, how many time you can to India and where ??

  • @knownsense thes eare the ramblings of a madmen on the internet and i want all to see

    I have I rock gadgets it's from a port or harbour do not have name..
    Hey all you dick cum face fuckers ,
    My tongue do not have a bone and I am very much aware of it , I know how to twist and turn with my Consciousness , also sharp as Katana , strong as Viking blade, Valkyrie mode Alt+F4 ..

  • @mikeJB kernel panic, system ill gaya ji?? Why so serious ?? With whom for what ?? insecure ha !! keep you gun like in a movie, under your pillow or make thin role shove it up in ur ass however it works for you all ok for me ..
    look at you now, one American white boy is vibrating in panic 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 lovley wondeful isn't it??!! What joy I have to waste my time to get you low life wanna be Mr cool dude, all you want to prove to this site Infront of teenagers that how cool you are and next mission run behind little girls to put hands in pants with manipulation and lies and also to show off your dick is bigger than mine.. ok I accept it.
    you are a dumb fuck !! I admit I am fool for you and I know I am talking to ignorant foolish fellow than me,..you proved yourself that you have big shitty hole mouth, keep imagining of fear to watch you back and shitty hole mouth..whenever you talk about India not Indians, is the clear for you . I make sure you will remember me.. that you fall for one India guy who talk some shit here, make yourself a laughing stock yeah I have nothing to prove to any one , no one than me.. I like it white boy going la la in the Brian and loosing it, having a knowledgefor 15 years of deep dick fuck cum IT shit ..have great virtual wank behind the screen, intel inside idiot outside, have lovley wet wetty pant πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ™ lord mc mike JB I am Loving it !!secret are kept as it is !!

  • @love-n-bailey-classes white boy lost his sense don't be humble to people who like to get abused and he is asking for it so let it be, you be nice and abuse him

  • πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ mad as a mf
