• @NewtTrouble does to a degree lol

  • Sometimes I feel confined to my city. I have more space to roam, but the need to travel can be overwhelming. One day I will make it to germany, but sometimes even that feels like a distant dream. Enough to make you go mad! What goals do you have for your future @ScottishGuy and what steps are you taking to reach them?

  • @NewtTrouble okay the state's. Got it. How are things your side with lock downs etc
    It's one big fuck up no doubt. In S.A. people are going crazy

  • @NewtTrouble goals forjust now is to get back into my prosthesis, getting there slowly but surely

  • @Scully_11 Your answer is also in that first page. You must be excited to add into the conversation, ( ;) and yes I am calling you out on this observation and no it is not meant for insulting) but I am ready for the lockdown to be over with. I am anticipating what is to come following the reopening. Part of me fears we will go back into a great depression and I am ready, but am not looking forward to the negative outcomes that piggy back along with such scenarios.

    I am unfamiliar with this abveriation "S.A" what does it stand for?

    @ScottishGuy I am pleased to know you have a goal. Prosthetics must be uncomfortable yes? They were made specifically for you though I hope. It would be much worse if they were not :(

  • @NewtTrouble they can be uncomfortable, but u do get used to them, i just been off mine for so long that i put on weight and no longer fits, but like i say getting there

  • @ScottishGuy Gaining weight is only natural when your daily routine is interupted. I work on concrete floors. I can notice a difference in my weight as well depending in how my feet feel by the end of my shift. Since lockdown I have decided to cease my powerlifting. Because the future is uncertain I would rather eat half and not weight train so others less fortunate than me may have more to eat. Just because I can afford to keep such a regimen does not mean I have right to more food than my neighbor. Once fall begins, however, I will start my training again.

    @Vitocorleone I do not wish to be rude, but you must say something more if you want to further your communication with me. Short and/or broken sentences is not gonna play well in your favor if you have no original words. If you want to add to the conversation, by all means, please.

  • shhhh your a power lifter, whats your p/r

  • @ScottishGuy was. My personal record is by no means impressive among the super athletes, nor have I ever attempted to over due my limitations. I work with dumbbells
    Ine in each hand, when I train. The last deadlift I did though was 145lbs. My dumbbells have nearly all leveled out, except squats. My squats were a comfortable 50lbs. Let's see: abs and triceps were at 15lb dumbbells, and biceps, chest, upper back were set to 20lbs. I averaged about 5 sets of 10-20 reps each with one minute intervals. Not too bad.. but I know I can do better if I focused on it more.

    In the fall I will go back to college, this time for fitness and music. I am hopeful I will learn more.

  • @ScottishGuy oh I suppose I should add... when I was doing indy wrestling, I would pick up the guys and walk then around my shoulders in the ring. They averaged 190lbs. I would accidentally drag their face against the ropes though. Lustig, but never intentional, I never realized how close I actually was to the ropes! Poor boys lol

  • @NewtTrouble cool nothing wrong with your stats at all hun :) will you follow bk

  • What's up getters..

  • @James-MCcabe Earning that money, baking that bread. Someone has to get it going ;) if that's what you meant by "getters".

  • Hello everyone

  • Hii dear we can chat
