• @Tall-M im a dumbass , its hard being a smartass u need to be smart really or else u are just an ass 🀣

  • @wet-teri Oh, so it's a kind of sex thing? Like with your parthner?

  • @gssll said in Let's talk... smart dudes only:

    @wet-teri Oh, so it's a kind of sex thing? Like with your parthner?
    My wife really wasn't too much into it I got a couple of girlfriends that were you can p.m. me you know

  • This post is deleted!

  • @wet-teri loool, but are you still attracted to girls?

  • @Tall-M said in Let's talk... smart dudes only:

    @Tall-M said in Let's talk... smart dudes only:

    @gssll the second brain theory, which isnt a theory anymore haha

    and now there is the holobionte theory, look it up its too much for me to talk about it now, unless youre interested

    are you ? sorry i really like to talk about biology ^^

  • @gssll pleez follow me i realy want to chat with you hehe if you want ?

  • @gssll hi can I chat

  • @gssll I don't consider myself to be particularly smart, but come and say hi, anyways! I'd love to make a couple of new friends here, considering I am new!

  • Global Veteran

    Sooo that's what smart ppl sound like?? πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ€”πŸ€”

  • @gssll hi
    we could be friends whenever u see my msg rply me we could talk whole night with full off interest.

                                                                                                                         im waiting for your rply

  • @gssll hi babe, i am here if u wanna talk i'll let u decide if i am smart enough for u

  • @gssll I could use some estrogen lol and don't think I fit in the smart dude thing BUT I see that you are into biochemistry and pharmaceutical, I cant talk super strong on those topics as I havent been to college but I would like to add this with the recant medial issues affecting the world. I have been watching it pretty close and for the fact of WHERE this broke out was about 440 miles from the SARS that COVID-19 is from animals that jumped. Reason for my belive is the fact that corona virus in animals has been around for a while and been treatable but with China being a rather poor country in some parts that livestock was not getting treated and with the close quarters and poor hygiene it let the out break to start. What worries me is how long it took China to report/info to get out to the world but with that said...wholy crap the worlds scientist and how quickly they can work on an issue is mind blowing. Sorry for long post/to much info to read...I was rather board

  • @Heathertg lol, you'll be telling me about estrogen new buddy.
    So, I hate that people are starting absurd conspiracy theories. So many say that China or USA, created it to attack each other. I once learned that a conspiracy theory is fake, when it has an effect on the whole world. I mean there is dirty stuff in our goverments and stuff, but at least I think, not to that level.
    So about what you said, coronavirus may have been in animals and not caused any kind of issue. But China isn't actually a poor country, it has a lot of money and resources. I think the main problem was that since they didn't want help, they tried to fix it on their own and it went out of control. It's more of a pride issue, than a conspiracy that I said. Science proves that virus are really good at muting, that's why HIV doesn't have a cure yet (there are studies that are getting close). So, mutations happen, it's nature. They're trying to develop a cure, usually getting out a pharmaceutic to sell takes from an average of 12 years o more, so a year and a half is the best they can do because they have to do all type of essays.

    Hee hee, I like these topics, sorry for going long too.

  • @Heathertg and thete is the fact that they ignored it for some time

  • I don't believe in any of the conspiracy theory BUT the one that China had the virus in the lab and could of done work on the virus in "forced" mutations BUT did not let it out for it to be a weapon. They could of been studying the bug and seeing what would happen if this or that [A and B testing] and noting the changes. If the bug was in the lab, and it "got out" it would of been an accident. Now when I said China being a poor country was not much in terms of the government but the people, There are many parts of China that have a high amount of low income to poor people that rely on old world tech from farming, waste management and services like water, power and ect. Mix some of those issues in a high population with a dash of pollution and it can be a breading ground for a wide range of bugs.

  • @Heathertg but its not bug transmitted ?

  • @Tall-M in my post i was using bug and virus interchangeably but that said, most of what I said is true with any testing in the bio field. You need to test all roads to see what the outcome is. Sometimes the outcome is deadly/worse than the start and then other times you find the cure to x issue. I like to think of Science as professional guessers. They take the info they have/know and think of something and try it and see what happens. With good notes and a good team and alittle luck you could have a breakthrough.

    I like to try and keep my mind open everything thats going on in the world. I may not be a master on any one topic but I rather have a working knowledge about as many things as I can.

  • @Heathertg
    Watch a movie called Thrive. everybody should watch it and be forewarned I don't give a crap about the first 30 minutes miss the rest of the movie that pisses me off and it will piss you off too unless you belong to one of the seven or so families

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