[new here][normal chat appreciated] What do you want to talk about?
Do you have a topic in mind, or you just want to go full random?
I’ll let you pick. I can talk about, almost, anything. If you chose nuclear physics, I won’t teach you how to make a nuclear bomb.....
These, preset, tags might be a little "unclear"...... I'm not looking for help.... and I'm not desperate for a new friend............ I'm just here to talk to and help anyone that actually needs it.... I'll do random and boring chats, if needed.
I can talk with you if you want ;)
@HitlerJr Sure, Do you have topic in mind?
No. I don't really know what we can talk about, but if you have something, I am going to talk about it.
@HitlerJr I guess that your nickname makes it a bit awkward..... I'll just get past that.... I'll go with something generic and stupid.... "What is life and why do we accept it as it is?"
Yeah man. Let us just forget about the name.
What is life?
Here is the definition if that helps:
the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.
"the origins of life"Why does one accept it to be the way it is?
One accepts their life the way it is because they don't really have had control over it.
You are just born into this world and then you have to do stuff until you are an adult.Life is a cool thing though. You can feel many emotions and do many things, so I don't really see why one shouldn't accept it when they have it.
@HitlerJr Wow.... I'm almost speechless...... Did not expect an intelligent response.....
Now.. About the control part.... I think that you always have control over it.... It's just hard to be aware about the fact that you actually do...
Well, it is quite hard to experience yourself outside of the vision of ones eyes.
You can live your whole live just looking out from those two holes and from there you just see all the movement you make and the experiences that happen all around you, they just all come to your body, your mind.
Just, you can live in this one body and you can only feel what happens to it.
@HitlerJr Is that your take on life?.... Just the stuff that you can experience from you own body? Is there nothing else that you can, at lest "feel", from someone else's point of view?
I feel for people in an empathatic way.
You know those videos on the internet where people get hurt? When they get hurt, you just feel it too.
But on a more real note. When somebody is feeling down, then I would feel a kind of sadness in the room and you just relate those experiences to the ones that might have happened to you.
There is also this kind of feeling that I at least sometimes feel. I am not sure if you can relate to this, but it is like you are still in your body but you don't feel yourself as being you. Like you are watching a movie from the person's point of view, instead of being able to say that this is "I" who is seeing the world.
That feeling goes away after a while, quite quickly. -
@HitlerJr I feel that way.... every time I open my mouth....... I guess that this does not apply to what you're saying......
I always feel what the other person is feeling.... and that is not by choice...... or pleasant....
People get hurt from more that internet videos..... It's all about everyone's perception...........
My take on things?... Just stop being a bitch and start deciphering the stuff around you. If you're good enough..... You might just understand new things....
I know... I'm being to hard... but... Isn't perception an exchange of different opinions?! (By "definition".... they need to be disputed.... I don't like it either......)
Don't worry about it. You are not being too harsh.
I don't really know what one has to do to be able to deciphering everything that happens around oneself.
Well, do you want to stay on this topic or should we switch to something else, because I am not really sure if I have much to say on this. We can always go deeper into a subject if you really want to though ;)
@HitlerJr Hahaha.... I can always go deeper..... but.... I'm always intrigued by unknown subjects :dog: (this chat made me pick this emoji...)
Well, you know what. I am very interested in Morse Code, so maybe you want to talk about that?
We just have to write in dots and lines now as we are being spied on by "zhem"
- .... .. ... / ... .... --- ..- .-.. -.. / -... . / ..-. ..- -. .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / .-. .. --. .... - ..--..
-.-- --- ..- / .... .- ...- . / ..-. --- .-. --. --- - - . -. / .- / .-..-. - .-..-. .-.-.-
@HitlerJr -.. .. -.. / .. ..--.. / -- -.-- / -... .- -.. / - .... . -. .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.-
-.-- . .- ... .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / .. - / .-- .- ... / -- .. ... .. -. --. / .- - / - .... . / -... . --. .. -. -. .. -. --. .-.-.-
.-- .-. .. - - .. --. / -- . ... ... .- --. . ... / - .... .. ... / .-- .- -.-- / .. ... / .... .- .-. -.. .-.-.-
@HitlerJr .--. .-. . - - -.-- ... ..- .-. . - .... .- - - .... . ..-. .. .-. ... - .-.. . - - . .-. --. . - ... .-.. --- ... - .. -. - .... . - .-. .- -. ... .-.. .- - .. --- -. ·-·-·- ·-·-·- ·-·-·- ·-·-·- .-- . -·-·-· .-. . -... --- - .... ..- ... .. -. --. - .... . ... .- -- . -- --- .-. ... . -.-. --- -. ...- . .-. - . .-. ·-·-·- ·-·-·- ·-·-·- ·-·-·- ---··· -·--·- -·--·- .- -·--·-