• Let’s be frank- there are times it feels the whole world is falling apart. You cannot compare your pain to others so why respond with someone else has it worse?. Pain is immeasurable when it’s felt because in that moment it feels like the worst pain on earth. Sometimes it’s not even about calculations or careful thinking. Sometimes it’s just about having a little faith that there are still people in the world who want only the best for you. All things aside my heart beats for you doesn’t your heart still beat for mine too?. You’re heart is here to grow water it with love let the light in. Remember your heart is a world beating beneath your skin.

  • i keep getting ignored by you so i really dont care anymore. go write a journal

  • @Emma-Bradley a.favourite song of mine Emma, and i recommend it a lot because it lifts me in darkness, is called "your heart is a muscle the size of your fist" by ramshackle glory. Check it out, i think you'll get something from it like i do. Oh and I'm one of those people who care, you ain't alone, there are a bunch of us on this site for starters. I had 4 or 5 days not being on here and a bunch of concerned messages waiting for me when i logged back in. It's life affirming and reinforces faith in humanity

  • It's working in your blood
    Which you know is not the same as love
    Love's only in your mind...

  • @Emma-Bradley hella true smh