In the trees they grew
Only those who believe can understand a trees life. Ones tree has been living for years now has become more than a tree with strong wood. A tree is many things it’s not that it cannot survive without water or sunshine. Families of birds fly among the trees as they build homes so high above. Humans use trees to make master tree houses Or even beautiful art work. We use trees in everyday life if you think about it almost everything is made out of wood or leaves. Pictures come in handy when leaves grow so many colors with so many beautiful patterns. We plant trees everywhere so we can breathe the air it forms for all creatures. A child tree has gotten so large in size ever sense I was young.
im too old to go further, but emma you are as cute as can be if that is you. the tree thing. i find it sadder that man digs up and uproots so many trees. like the ones in the rainforrests. why is it man Man ruins all that he touches?????? gonna dig up a tree for your needs, then REPLACE it with another!
and you forgot one more thing they give us......SHADE
@Emma-Bradley "My longing: not to be a God or hero, but to change....into a tree that grows for ages, hurting no-one. When I told her this she could not see, at all." Lyric from the Daniel Amos song She's All Heart
@Emma-Bradley that’s hella true 👌🏻