What are your thoughts on Marriage Equality ?

  • @layla you do fucking realise @TalkWithStranger are the people who created the fucking site, they are the admins and they chose the moderators

  • @thestrangest I do see you are telling the truth though, I see people replying to your previous account.

  • @thestrangest Well there's nothing I can do about it, I am just one of the many users of this site.

  • @layla just know that the site is cancerous, the people who run it are not neutral but otherwise have fun

  • @thestrangest Thanks! I am actually friends with some of the mods and I don't see a problem? Do you want me to get someone for you to talk to?

  • @layla just for your information no one can permanently delete posts like you are seeing below, even deleting your own accounts keeps the posts up but removes the username and profile pic. no user can permanently delete posts.... except a mod and i had a lot of proof showing that it was @RAGNAR but @TalkWithStranger kept him as mod till this day

  • @layla if it is the admins and mods who don't give a fuck and are against you then talking to admins and mods won't do shit

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @layla hey you there. Look at how retarded @TalkWithStranger and @RAGNAR are

    @ said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @talkwithstranger said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger ok andwho created your parents your grandparents and who created them and so on.... now tell me who created the first person on the planet answer me this question who created the first person on this planet.

    @ragnar said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger i might say i'm not good in logic, but i wont agree on you that scientifically God doesn't exist with your stupid proof. neither about revolution of man. just because we dont see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist bro. u was muslim before i dont think if you took enough time to study about islam, existence of God and many thing concerning about this. make some research on this first, science prove NOTHING!!!!!!!! i dnt see a reason of debating as long as u keep on talking about scientific proof.

    You can't make this shit up. Btw you know how the site works r8? Just click on the name of the topic where the post was made and it will take you straight to the post. That way you can verify that they actually said those things. @RAGNAR fucking said revolution instead of evolution, HAHAHA

  • @thestrangest Lol. That's kind of funny. But you know you're right and that's all that matters.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @layla incase you don't know how this site works that well here is the link to where i got those posts from if you want to see the whole thing:

    You could have gotten this by clicking on the words "is god real? your thoughts" highlighted in blue from

    @Xperson said in is god? real your thoughts

    Same for all quotes with

    @Xperson said in TitleHighlightedInBlue

  • @layla btw can you follow me so i can DM you? Otherwise i can't

  • @sarah let people do whatever shit they want with their life as long as it doesn't pose a threat to others.

  • Same-sex marriage has absolutely no impact on my life whatsoever. Why should I prevent them?

  • I don't think two people of the same gender should be able to get married, because the whole point of a couple getting married is that they can have kids and raise them in a stable household. 2 people of the same gender cannot have kids so why do they need to get married?

  • I feel all partners of the relationship should be treated at equals

  • This post is deleted!
