• no, im 37

  • @leotherealdeal I love it

  • omg same

  • @leotherealdeal Lol thats nice

  • @Kina-joy m here

  • @Kina-joy ya sure IAM too

  • Hi everyone

  • @Kina-joy yeah

  • What? lol

  • Hi how are you

  • @Kina-joy hi

  • @Kina-joy hey

  • @Kina-joy https://ton.twitter.com/1.1/ton/data/dm/1180604559967870981/1180604549502885889/-Bc8ODa7.jpg:medium Don't you think the Holy Spirit is allowing this to happen to them? -- As I was looking & meditating on the horrific images I asked why is this being allowed. -- The Holy Spirit reminded me that JESUS DID NOT COME TO DESTROY THE LAW BUT TO FULFILL THEM & SO DO WE IN THE PRESENT TIME, AMEN. --- therefore, the Chinese Christians are prohibited to preach the Gospel of Jesus on the streets & it is against the government's law so, if they disobey they will be punished severely -- Several years back someone told me that the Chinese government ran a tank over a Christian man & post it in the internet, I looked it up & I saw the video. -- It is written that the law on Earth are of God Himself, - Romans 13 King James Version (KJV)
    13. Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
    2. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
    3. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:
    4. For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil, etc. ... --- If the Chinese law is not to preach & they break it then by breaking their law it is evil, therefore they will be punished as it is written my brother. -- You & I know that it is not evil to preach but according to what is written in Romans 13 we must obey the governing laws in Jesus name. -- Read the whole paragraph. Yeshua bless our brothers & sister in China with this understanding for China is democratic to a point, amen. I do admit, "I personally am speechless but Jesus words is His Holy Truth not men's, amen." -- Yeshua bless

    ę‚Øäøč®¤äøŗ圣ēµå…č®øčæ™ē§ęƒ…况发ē”ŸåœØ他们čŗ«äøŠå—ļ¼Ÿ -åœØåÆ»ę‰¾å’Œę€č€ƒåÆꀕēš„å›¾åƒę—¶ļ¼Œęˆ‘é—®äøŗ什么允č®øčæ™ę ·åšć€‚ -圣ēµęé†’ęˆ‘ļ¼Œč€¶ēØ£å¹¶ę²”ęœ‰ęƁē­ę³•å¾‹ļ¼Œåč€Œę˜Æč¦éµå®ˆę³•å¾‹ļ¼Œę‰€ä»„é˜æ蒙ļ¼ŒåœØå½“å‰ęˆ‘ä»¬ä¹Ÿčæ™ę ·åšć€‚ ---å› ę­¤ļ¼Œäø­å›½åŸŗē£å¾’č¢«ē¦ę­¢åœØč”—äøŠå®£č®²č€¶ēØ£ēš„ē¦éŸ³ļ¼Œčæ™ę˜Æčæåę”æåŗœę³•å¾‹ēš„ļ¼Œå› ę­¤ļ¼Œå¦‚ęžœä»–ä»¬äøęœä»Žä»–们ļ¼Œå°†å—到äø„厉ēš„ęƒ©ē½š-å‡ å¹“å‰ęœ‰äŗŗ告čÆ‰ęˆ‘äø­å›½ę”æåŗœåœØäø€äøŖåŸŗē£ę•™å¾’ēš„坦克äøŠę”¾åˆ°äŗ’联ē½‘äøŠļ¼Œē„¶åŽęˆ‘åœØē½‘äøŠēœ‹äŗ†äø€äø‹č§†é¢‘怂 -ę®č®°č½½ļ¼Œåœ°ēƒäøŠēš„ę³•å¾‹ę˜ÆäøŠåøęœ¬äŗŗļ¼Œ-ē½—马书13 King James Versionļ¼ˆKJVļ¼‰
    13.让ęƏäøŖäŗŗéƒ½ęœä»Žę›“é«˜ēš„čƒ½åŠ›ć€‚å› äøŗåŖęœ‰åŠ›é‡ę‰ę˜ÆäøŠåøēš„力量ļ¼Œę˜ÆäøŠåøę‰€å‘½å®šēš„åŠ›é‡ć€‚
    2.å› ę­¤ļ¼Œå‡”ęŠ—ę‹’å¤§čƒ½ēš„äŗŗļ¼Œä¾æꊗꋒäøŠåøēš„ę—Øꄏ怂
    3.因äøŗē»Ÿę²»č€…äøę˜Æå–„č”Œēš„ꁐꀖļ¼Œč€Œę˜Æé‚Ŗꁶēš„ęę€–ć€‚é‚£ä¹ˆļ¼Œę‚Ø岂äøęƒ§ę€•åŠ›é‡å—ļ¼Ÿåšäø€ä»¶å„½äŗ‹ļ¼Œä½ å°±åŗ”čÆ„čµžē¾Žé‚£ä»¶äŗ‹ļ¼š
    4.因äøŗ他ę˜Æę°øčæœēš„äøŠåøēš„ä½æč€…ć€‚ä½†ę˜Æļ¼Œå¦‚ęžœä½ čæ™ę ·åšę˜Æé‚Ŗꁶēš„ļ¼Œé‚£å°±č¦å®³ę€•ć€‚å› äøŗ他äøåæå—徒劳ēš„剑ļ¼›å› äøŗ他ę˜ÆäøŠåøēš„传道äŗŗļ¼Œę˜Æäø€äøŖꊄ仇者ļ¼Œå‘č”Œę¶ēš„ä»–å‘ę€’ļ¼Œē­‰ē­‰ć€‚ā€¦ā€¦---å¦‚ęžœäø­å›½ēš„ę³•å¾‹äøä¼ č®²ļ¼Œä»–ä»¬å°±ę‰“ē “äŗ†čæåä»–们ēš„ę³•å¾‹ę˜Æé‚Ŗꁶēš„ļ¼Œå› ę­¤ļ¼Œę­£å¦‚ęˆ‘å“„å“„ę‰€å†™ēš„ļ¼Œä»–ä»¬å°†å—åˆ°ęƒ©ē½šć€‚ -ä½ å’Œęˆ‘ēŸ„道ļ¼Œä¼ ę•™äøę˜Æé‚Ŗꁶēš„ļ¼Œä½†ę ¹ę®ē½—马书13ē« ēš„č®°č½½ļ¼Œęˆ‘们åæ…锻遵守仄耶ēØ£ēš„名义ē»Ÿę²»ēš„å¾‹ę³•ć€‚ -阅čÆ»ę•“äøŖę®µč½ć€‚č€¶ēØ£å‘ęˆ‘ä»¬åœØäø­å›½ēš„兄弟姐妹ē„ē¦ļ¼Œå› äøŗåƹäø­å›½ēš„äŗ†č§£åœØꟐē§ē؋åŗ¦äøŠę˜Æ갑äø»ēš„ļ¼Œé˜æä»¬ć€‚ęˆ‘ē”®å®žę‰æ认ļ¼šā€œęˆ‘äøŖäŗŗꗠč؀仄åƹļ¼Œä½†č€¶ēØ£ēš„čƝę˜Æ他ēš„圣ēœŸē†ļ¼Œč€Œäøę˜Æē”·äŗŗēš„ļ¼Œé˜æ们怂ā€ -耶ēØ£ē„ē¦
    NĆ­n bĆ¹ rĆØnwĆ©i shĆØnglĆ­ng yĒ”nxĒ” zhĆØ zhĒ’ng qĆ­ngkuĆ ng fāshēng zĆ i tāmen shēnshang ma? -ZĆ i xĆŗnzhĒŽo hĆ© sÄ«kĒŽo kěpĆ  de tĆŗxiĆ ng shĆ­, wĒ’ wĆØn wĆØishĆ©me yĒ”nxĒ” zhĆØyĆ ng zuĆ². -ShĆØnglĆ­ng tĆ­xĒng wĒ’, yēsÅ« bƬng mĆ©iyĒ’u huĒmiĆØ fĒŽlĒœ, fĒŽn'Ć©r shƬ yĆ o zÅ«nshĒ’u fĒŽlĒœ, suĒ’yĒ ā mĆ©ng, zĆ i dāngqiĆ”n wĒ’men yě zhĆØyĆ ng zuĆ². ---YÄ«ncĒ, zhōngguĆ³ jÄ«dÅ« tĆŗ bĆØi jƬnzhĒ zĆ i jiē shĆ ng xuānjiĒŽng yēsÅ« de fĆŗyÄ«n, zhĆØ shƬ wĆ©ifĒŽn zhĆØngfĒ” fĒŽlĒœ de, yÄ«ncĒ, rĆŗguĒ’ tāmen bĆ¹ fĆŗcĆ³ng tāmen, jiāng shĆ²udĆ o yĆ”nlƬ de chĆ©ngfĆ”-jĒ niĆ”n qiĆ”n yĒ’urĆ©n gĆ osĆ¹ wĒ’ zhōngguĆ³ zhĆØngfĒ” zĆ i yÄ«gĆØ jÄ«dÅ« jiĆ otĆŗ de tĒŽnkĆØ shĆ ng fĆ ng dĆ o hĆ¹liĆ”nwĒŽngshĆ ng, rĆ”nhĆ²u wĒ’ zĆ i wĒŽng shĆ ng kĆ nle yÄ«xiĆ  shƬpĆ­n. -JĆ¹ jƬzĒŽi, dƬqiĆŗ shĆ ng de fĒŽlĒœ shƬ shĆ ngdƬ běnrĆ©n,-luĆ³mĒŽ shÅ« 13 King James Version(KJV)
    13. RĆ ng měi gĆØrĆ©n dōu fĆŗcĆ³ng gĆØng gāo de nĆ©nglƬ. YÄ«nwĆØi zhĒyĒ’u lƬliĆ ng cĆ”i shƬ shĆ ngdƬ de lƬliĆ ng, shƬ shĆ ngdƬ suĒ’ mƬngdƬng de lƬliĆ ng.
    2. YÄ«ncĒ, fĆ”n kĆ ngjĆ¹ dĆ  nĆ©ng de rĆ©n, biĆ n kĆ ngjĆ¹ shĆ ngdƬ de zhĒyƬ.
    3. YÄ«nwĆØi tĒ’ngzhƬ zhě bĆ¹shƬ shĆ nxĆ­ng de kĒ’ngbĆ¹, Ć©r shƬ xiĆ©'ĆØ de kĒ’ngbĆ¹. NĆ me, nĆ­n qĒ bĆ¹ jĆ¹pĆ  lƬliĆ ng ma? ZuĆ² yÄ« jiĆ n hĒŽoshƬ, nĒ jiĆ¹ yÄ«nggāi zĆ nměi nĆ  jiĆ n shƬ:
    4. YÄ«nwĆØi tā shƬ yĒ’ngyuĒŽn de shĆ ngdƬ de shĒzhě. DĆ nshƬ, rĆŗguĒ’ nĒ zhĆØyĆ ng zuĆ² shƬ xiĆ©'ĆØ de, nĆ  jiĆ¹ yĆ o hĆ ipĆ . YÄ«nwĆØi tā bĆ¹ rěnshĆ²u tĆŗlĆ”o de jiĆ n; yÄ«nwĆØi tā shƬ shĆ ngdƬ de chuĆ”ndĆ o ren, shƬ yÄ«gĆØ bĆ ochĆ³u zhě, xiĆ ng xĆ­ng ĆØ de tā fānĆ¹, děng děng.ā€¦ā€¦---RĆŗguĒ’ zhōngguĆ³ de fĒŽlĒœ bĆ¹ chuĆ”n jiĒŽng, tāmen jiĆ¹ dĒŽpĆ²le wĆ©ifĒŽn tāmen de fĒŽlĒœ shƬ xiĆ©'ĆØ de, yÄ«ncĒ, zhĆØngrĆŗ wĒ’ gēgē suĒ’ xiě de, tāmen jiāng shĆ²udĆ o chĆ©ngfĆ”. -NĒ hĆ© wĒ’ zhÄ«dĆ o, chuĆ”njiĆ o bĆ¹shƬ xiĆ©'ĆØ de, dĆ n gēnjĆ¹ luĆ³mĒŽ shÅ« 13 zhāng de jƬzĒŽi, wĒ’men bƬxÅ« zÅ«nshĒ’u yĒ yēsÅ« de mĆ­ngyƬ tĒ’ngzhƬ de lĒœ fĒŽ. -YuĆØdĆŗ zhěnggĆØ duĆ nluĆ². YēsÅ« xiĆ ng wĒ’men zĆ i zhōngguĆ³ de xiōngdƬ jiěmĆØi zhĆ¹fĆŗ, yÄ«nwĆØi duƬ zhōngguĆ³ de liĒŽojiě zĆ i mĒ’u zhĒ’ng chĆ©ngdĆ¹ shĆ ng shƬ mĆ­nzhĒ” de, āmen. WĒ’ quĆØshĆ­ chĆ©ngrĆØn:ā€œWĒ’ gĆØrĆ©n wĆŗ yĆ”n yĒ duƬ, dĆ n yēsÅ« dehuĆ  shƬ tā de shĆØng zhēnlĒ, Ć©r bĆ¹shƬ nĆ”nrĆ©n de, āmen.ā€ -YēsÅ« zhĆ¹fĆŗ https://ton.twitter.com/1.1/ton/data/dm/1180604559967870981/1180604549502885889/-Bc8ODa7.jpg:medium

  • @Kina-joy hi
    i am a dickweed, feel free to ask me anything

  • @Kina-joy I wanna chat

  • Message me xx

  • @Kina-joy Hi

  • @Kina-joy hi bby

  • Hey still bored?

  • @Kina-joy yeah I'm bored too I get where you're coming from

    • list item