@Yu-Mii me too bro
Didn't your parents ever tell you not to talk to strangers🤔..then what brought you here?😁
As for me sheer boredom is to be blamed!👀
What's your reason? -
Deficiency of a good social life brings me here...
Stupid nudes brought me here.
I feel safe here and most importantly no worries of being judged for who I am in real
I have night shift on my job, and there are two reasons besides - boredom and need to improve my Eng (Im russian).So. Nice to meet u here, Anastasia Smith)
@zagashu likewise buddy!
I just want a place to talk with people meaningfully without having to deal with real life consequences from meeting people irl.
I don’t have good friends
It’s either me slowly turning to be an asshole or them
@Infinite its a whole lot easier to think that its them!
@Anastasia-Smith But that just prove the point
@Infinite But why do you turning an asshole? And exactly from meeting people in real life? Whats the different?
@zagashu I/them turned provocative,don’t know how to apologize ended up hurting me/them even more and the cycle continues
@zagashu And irl you have to go through a lot of steps to finally reaching their true selves and when you fail those steps you guys either turning into enemies or come back to being strangers
Whereas on the internet people are more open therefore easier to communicate(except on social medias)
Welcome new comers! Im the nicest mod in here.
@Infinite I am thinking about your thoughts. But I want to remind you one thoughts by ancient Greek philosopher Plotinus: "Only a toy can take a game seriously". And all of social life manifestations are the Game. So.
Yeah,I might be bad with people mind games and/or my own doubts and hesitation
@Anastasia-Smith I don't talk to strangers, I only flirt.