If you only had 24 hours of your whole life remaining, what would you do?
YOLO- You Only Live Once!!!!
@katie_15 I'll try to extend my life.
Good answer!
unless yo a zombie
I'd as much as forbidden stuff as possible, like buy drugs and alcohol. so I would die like in like 3 hours instead of 24
I'd probably kill a lot of people that are hurting the world right now, steel a lot of money and give it to really productive charities
@alwaysstranger if you only have 24 hours to live. you wouldn't care about that at all
@brk i would. There are a lot of charities who i want to donate to and there are a lot of people i want to kill. I guess i would try to live a bit longer too but just to be able to kill all of them
@alwaysstranger but why kill tho?
@brk so that i can steel the money from the corpses of criminals, dangerous people, dictators, terrorists and donate it to charitie
im sorry it seems quite childish but I get where you're coming from
Why is it childish?
well isn't killing people in general a childish approach to handle things? 2 wrongs doesn't make a right u know!
@brk why is killing people a wrong approach. They're going to die anyways
@alwaysstranger do you wash your hands? cause they're gonna get dirty again anyway.
What kind of non-argument is that?
@brk but that's not a good comparaison. I'm going to kill toxic people so the earlier they die the better = I'm going to kill bad bacteria off my hand by washing it because the earlier they die the better. And the people I'll kill won't come back to life but when bacteria comes back on your hand you wash it again
Find a close group of friends and family and do stuff idk
@katie_15 I would spend the day doing special things with my family and friend.
@cannar123 and Cola Neko I DEFINITELY agree!!
@katie_15 agree 😊