@Owen_not_found wha-
Random thoughts
If you could learn the answer to one question about your future, what would the question be?
hmm..What will happen to my soul when I die?
@liliputian Will I ever lose weight and actually be fit ? Lol.
( Though I know the answer: No)
@rendezvous hahaha..time to start jogging tomorrow!
@liliputian Lmao I already joined Gym since almost a week now. Though I missed it for 2 days even in the first week haha.
I gotta lose some belly now. -
You can do it bud, all you need to work on is eating habits, that is if you enjoy sports / gym!
@mr-h Enjoy?
No I fucking hate it.
And yes, I am working on my diet. Hopefully, I will reach an ideal diet of 0 calories soon. Haha. -
Will I die of boredom or natural causes? :laughing:
@liliputian me too
that 0 calories diet will make you so fit you will vanish :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
@abru-khan are u Hindi?then you will be reincarnated
@liliputian i m not
@mr-h said in Random thoughts:
that 0 calories diet will make you so fit you will vanish :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
Lmao I hope so. Haha.
Btw, Aerobics and Zumba sucks ass.
@abru-khan Allahu akbar!
indeed :laughing: tho u'll NEVER EVER find me in any Zumba or dance related class, I laugh so much watching them go at it.
Try cycling, power jump, body attack, body combat, body pump or circuit training. those kick ass!
@mr-h Lol actually I used to laugh at those too. But you know, The gym rules. Like the trainer is actually very strict. He wont let me skip a day, since he already knows i am so lazy.
And actually, zumba takes more energy than anything else. At least for me. Like I really get exhausted after doing it. -
@liliputian why?
@liliputian will my parents still alive until i am 40 or 50 years old? :)
If yes, i will make a plan to make them happy with me.
If no, i will be a good boy who grant whatever their wishes for me. -
That's amazing, I didn't know such gyms existed, I wanna MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE :laughing:
And you are right, Zumba does take up alot of calories. I think it's an avg of 500 to 700 calories, which is really good. I gave you other options around the same range, which can be pushed a little higher the better u get at em.
I've lost my fair share of weight so I know my ways around the gym :laughing: -
@g-a Nothing lasts forever in this world. Forever is just a lie...
So better cherish every moment with your family starting now. -
@mr-h lol yes, they do exist. Like the gym in which I go, they have like 2 packages. The one in which they give you a personal trainer and the other one in which they have a common trainer, like any other normal gym.
Since, i know i am lazy af and I need someone to push me everyday to come to gym, I opted to pay more myself haha.