It's cool that YouTube is a platform where everyone has the right to post what they want. And that's why everyone has a chance to develop in one direction or another.
Ur fav religious video....??
My fav religious video??... My religion ??...ISLAM and i love it and proud❤❤❤
Our religion has a very heart touching Surah(paragraph) in Holy Quraan about the creation of World, universe and Humans and everything....Here it is if u wanna see a 12min video....its like a very PEACEFUL Song{without music,bcoz music is Haraam(prohibited) in Islam} ,Some use it for treatment of DEPRESSION
If u saw that??...drop ur fav religious video here, i wanna see it too :)
@jimmy1708 this one is noice:
But this one is great too:
P.S. I have much more tho
@naveen067 okay..
@sup okay :)
@thestrangest u r athiest?..
The Quraan is about is about degrading women, treat them like objects where adultery is permitted, religion is quite dumb, I'm gonna write a book and wait for someone to find it a thousand years later so they can make a religion based on it, there's no proof, there's no love, merely stories made to keep people under control.
@evan-elderson none of this will be, actually maybe people who are really young who'll live till the singularity
@evan-elderson lol yeah, guess I could hide it somewhere or just tell people to pass it down idk
@seventh-hokage ohh....if ever u meet a muslim women in ur life....ask her if we r degrading them......oh wait there r muslims females here too @Valerie @its-bobby , and many more ask them if we r degrading them XD lol.
@jimmy1708 actually surah rehman(that paragraph,that video) is actually written for mainly athiests
The Most Beneficent (Allah)!
Has taught (you mankind) the Qur'an (by His Mercy).
He created man.
He taught him eloquent speech.
The sun and the moon run on their fixed courses (exactly) calculated with measured out stages for each (for reckoning, etc.).
And the herbs (or stars) and the trees both prostrate.
And the heaven He has raised high, and He has set up the Balance.
In order that you may not transgress (due) balance.
And observe the weight with equity and do not make the balance deficient.
And the earth He has put for the creatures.
Therein are fruits, date-palms producing sheathed fruit-stalks (enclosing dates).
And also corn, with (its) leaves and stalk for fodder, and sweet-scented plants.
Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny?
Jins=species which r made of Fire, u can say them ghost, but there r actually no ghosts, peoples who calls paranormal species Ghosts, they r not ghosts they r jinns
Your English is cancerous but I'll try to reformulate what you're saying and respond to it
@jimmy1708 said in Ur fav religious video....??:
@seventh-hokage ohh....if you ever meet a muslim woman in your life....ask her if we are degrading them......oh wait there are muslim females here too @Valerie @its-bobby, and many more ask them if we are degrading them XD lol
The Religion is inherently sexist, just because some girl who lives in a 1st world country and follows her religion with no pressure on her to do anything says that Islam isn't degrading that doesn't make it true, go ask a woman who lives in the 3rd world and see how she responds
Percentage of women aged 15–49 who think that a husband/partner is justified in hitting his wife/partner under certain circumstances, in some Arab and Muslim majority countries, according to UNICEF (2013)
Sexist verses in the quran:
“Men are the protectors and maintainers of women because Allah has made one superior to the other and because they spend to support them from their means. Therefore, righteous women are obedient and they guard in the husband’s absence what Allah orders them to guard. And, as to those women from whom you fear disobedience, give them a warning, send them to separate beds, and beat them.” Surah 4 verse 34
This verse says you can beat your wife
"Menstruating women are unclean, and men must stay away from them" Surah 2 verse 222
This is self explanatory, this isn't saying that menstruating women are unclean down there and men should stay away from they're private parts, this is literally saying that menstruation(a normal thing in nature) is unholy and men should not approach unholy women
"Women are mens "fields," and men can have sex with them whenever they want" Surah 2 verse 223
Do i really have to explain this? This is sex slavery
"A woman is worth one-half of a man, and men are above women" Surah 4 verse 11, Surah 2 verse 282 ans Surah 2 verse 228
Yup this is actually in the Quran
"Muslim men may marry up to 4 wives, including prepubecent girls, and can own sex slaves" Surah 4 verse 3, Surah 65 verse 4 and surah 4 verse 24
This is self evident, why can't a woman marry 4 men, why the fuck does Islam allow pedophilia and why does it support sex slavery? Because it's a sexist degrading religion
"Women must cover themselves and be seen only by relatives, eunuchs, slaves and children who have not yet had sex with women" Surah 24 verse 31
This is just completely sexist, a woman shouldn't try to cover up, males shouldn't try to fucking harass her, why aren't males taught that? Because the quran was written by men
I'm not even mentioning the things in the hadiths
@seventh-hokage said in Ur fav religious video....??:
The Quraan is about is about degrading women, treat them like objects where adultery is permitted, religion is quite dumb, I'm gonna write a book and wait for someone to find it a thousand years later so they can make a religion based on it, there's no proof, there's no love, merely stories made to keep people under control.
@Jimmy1708 since your scull is too thick I'll provide some more stats
According to HRW 2013 report, Afghanistan has one of the highest incidence rates of domestic violence in the world. Domestic violence is so common that 85 per cent of women admit to experiencing it. 60% of all women report being victims of multiple forms of serial violence.Afghanistan is the only country in which the female suicide rate is higher than that of males.
According to a WHO, United Nations study, 30% of women in rural Bangladesh reported their first sexual experience to be forced. About 40% report having experienced domestic violence from their intimate partner, and 50% in rural regions report experiencing sexual violence.
Statistics from four United Nations studies, from 1990s, show that 16-19% of the women (age less than 50) were victims of domestic abuse within the previous 12-month period. 40-47% of the women had been subject to domestic violence during some period of their life. The studies were performed in villages (1992, 1993), Dhaka (2002) and Matlab (2002).
About 90% of women in Bangladesh are practicing Muslims, which indicates that many Muslim women are victims of physical domestic violence in this country.From a World Health Organization (WHO) study, of which Bangladesh was 1 of 10 participating countries, it was found that less than 2% of domestic abuse victims seek support from the community to resolve abusive situations, primarily because they know that they won't receive the support they need to remedy the issue.
Naved and Perrson write in their article "Factors Associated with Physical Spousal Abuse of Women During Pregnancy in Bangladesh" that women who are pregnant are more likely to be abused. A study on Pakistan Rural Access and Mobility Study (PRAMS) data showed that 67% of perpetrators were husbands or partners".Bangladesh was found to be one of the countries with a high rate of domestic violence resulting in death during pregnancy by a United Nations study.
A 2012 United Nations Women's study found that 33% of women in Egypt have experienced physical domestic violence in their lifetime, while 18% report having experienced domestic physical violence in last 12 months.
Another United Nationsnational study in 1995, 13% of the women (age 15-49) were victims of domestic abuse within the previous 12-month period. 34% of the women had been subject to domestic violence during some period of their life. In a 2004 study of pregnant women in El-Sheik Zayed 11% of the women (age 15-49) studied were victims of domestic abuse within the previous 12-month period and, also, during some period of their life.
According to Egyptian Centre for Women's Rights and World Bank Social Development Group's 2010 report, 85% of Egyptian women report of having experienced sexual harassment.
The World Health Organization reported sharply increasing rates of domestic violence in Indonesia, with over 25,000 cases in 2007. Nearly 3 in 4 cases, it is the husband beating the wife; the next largest reported category were the in-laws abusing the wife. The higher rates may be because more cases of violence against women are being reported in Indonesia, rather than going unreported, than before.From a United Nations study of Central Java, 2% of the women (age 15-49) were victims of domestic abuse within the previous 12-month period. 11% of the women had been subject to domestic violence during some period of their life.
In Iran the nature of domestic violence is complicated by both a national culture and authoritative state that support control, oppression and violence against women.
A World Health Organization(WHO) study in Babol found that within the previous year 15.0% of wives had been physically abused, 42.4% had been sexually abused and 81.5% had been psychologically abused (to various degrees) by their husbands, blaming low income, young age, unemployment and low education.
In 2004 a study of domestic violence was undertaken by the Women's Center for Presidential Advisory, Ministry of Higher Education and The Interior Ministry of capital cities in Iran's 28 provinces. 66% married women in Iran are subjected to some kind of domestic violence in the first year of their marriage, either by their husbands or by their in-laws. All married women who were participants in this study in Iran have experienced 7.4% of the 9 categories of abuse. The likelihood of being subject to violence varied: The more children in a family or the more rural the family lived, the greater the likelihood of domestic violence; Educated and career women were less likely to be victims of abuse. 9.63% of women in the study reported wishing their husbands would die, as a result of the abuse they have experienced.
The prevalence of domestic violence has been cited as a cause of high rates of suicide, mostly through self-immolation, among Kurdish women in Iran.
The 2012 United Nations Women's study found that at least 1 in 5 women in Jordan has experienced physical domestic violence in her lifetime, while 1 in 7 reports having experienced domestic physical violence in last 12 months. Islamic scholarsclaim mundane domestic violence such as slapping and battering by husband orfamily members is hugely unreported in Jordan, along with other Middle Eastern countries.
In Morocco, the most common reason women seek to end a marriage is to extricate themselves from a situation in which they are vulnerable to domestic violence, as 28,000 acts of domestic violence was reported between 1984 and 1998.
A 2011 report claims 80% of women in Pakistan suffer from domestic abuse. A 2004 study claimed 50% of the women in Pakistan are physically battered and 90% are mentally and verbally abused by their men, while other reports claims domestic violence rates between 70% to over 95% in Pakistan.Earlier studies from 1970s to 1990s suggest similar incidence rates of domestic violence in Pakistan.In Pakistan, domestic violence occurs in forms of beatings, sexual violence, torture, mutilation, acid attacks and burning the victim alive (bride burning).
Saudi Arabia:
In some recent high-profile cases such as that of Rania al-Baz, Muslim women have publicized their mistreatment at the hands of their husbands, in hopes that public condemnation of wife-beating will end toleration of the practice.
One recent study, in Syria, found that 25% of the married women surveyed said that they had been beaten by their husbands. Another study found that 21.8% of women have experienced some form of domestic violence; 48% of the women who experienced some form of violence had been beaten.
A 2009 study published by the Government of Turkey reports widespread domestic violence against women in Turkey. In urban and rural areas, 40% of Turkish women reported having experienced spousal violence in their lifetime, 10% of all women reported of domestic abuse within last 12 months. In the 15-24 year age group, 20% of the women reported of domestic violence by their husbands or male members of their family. The domestic violence ranged from slapping, battering and other forms of violence. The injuries, as a result of the reported domestic violence included bleeding, broken bones and other forms needing medical attention. Over half reported severe injuries. A third of all women who admitted domestic abuse cases, claimed having suffered repeat domestic abuse injuries in excess of 5 times.
Another United Nations study in East and South-East Anatolia in 1998, 58% of the women (age 14-75) had been subject to domestic violence during some period of their life; some of the women in the sampling had never been in a relationship which might have otherwise resulted in a higher statistic.
I'll provide this stat again incase you didn't see it
Percentage of women aged 15–49 who think that a husband/partner is justified in hitting his wife/partner under certain circumstances, in some Arab and Muslim majority countries, according to UNICEF (2013)
@thestrangest said in Ur fav religious video....??:
@jimmy1708 said in Ur fav religious video....??:
@jimmy1708 actually surah rehman(that paragraph,that video) is actually written for mainly athiests
I don't know what you're talking about but k
- The Most Beneficent (Allah)!
Oi dude there's no good reason to believe allah exists just like all other gods
- Has taught (you mankind) the Qur'an (by His Mercy).
He hasn't taught anything, we have no good reason to think the quran wasn't written by men and instead an invisible sky daddy
- He created man.
There's no reason to think any god created humanity, humanity evolved from earlier life forms and the universe came from the big bang, what happened before that? Maybe nothing, maybe (but highly unlikely) god created the big bang but the most likely theory is the multiverse but the actual answer is "nobody knows yet, and that doesn't justify you making up an answer"
- He taught him eloquent speech.
No speech evolved in the brain, other animals have it too(though clearly not as good), speech developed in the brain through millions of years of evolution
- The sun and the moon run on their fixed courses (exactly) calculated with measured out stages for each (for reckoning, etc.).
Gravity causes that m8, not an invisible sky daddy
Yeah that's because gravitational forces make them do that, there are places in the universe where the exact opposite happens and planets crash into each other too, is that proof thar god doesn't exist? The planets aren't like that so we can exist, we exist because they luckily developed into being in that order that after billions of years when gaz clouds compressed and created solid objects which later became planets
- And the herbs (or stars) and the trees both
prostrate(you mean prosper? A prostate is an organ)
Yeah that's what happens when life evolves into existence and does whatever it needs to survive, they grow and live. This isn't a miracle or some shit it's just nature
- And the heaven He has raised high, and He has set up the Balance.
Heaven doesn't exist and balance isn't proof of god
- In order that you may not transgress (due) balance.
What? The universe wasn't made for us, we exist because the universe happened to be the way it is. 99% if species that ever existed are extinct, this doesn't look like a universe made for life
- And observe the weight with equity and do not make the balance deficient.
Dafuw is this word salad
- And the earth He has put for the creatures.
Yeah that's why the dinosaurs went extinct. 99% of the species that ever existed are gone m8
- Therein are fruits, date-palms producing sheathed fruit-stalks (enclosing dates).
Dude existence of fruits isn't proof of an invisible sky daddy
- And also corn, with (its) leaves and stalk for fodder, and sweet-scented plants.
Same here
Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny?
There is no god m8, there's no good reason to believe there is one
Jins=species which r made of Fire
Yeah those don't exist either
u can say them ghost, but there r actually no ghosts, peoples who calls paranormal species Ghosts, they r not ghosts they r jinns
This guy believes in jinn(paranormal people made from fire), lol for real what's wrong with this guy
@Evan-Elderson @Seventh-Hokage lol I'm not gonna waste any more time on this man child
Eyyy @Jimmy1708 don't try to respond, if you say anything longer than 10 lines defending sexism in Islam or explaining why your invisible sky daddy exists along with his jinn I'll just ignore you, I'm not wasting my time
@thestrangest lol.....i didnt read ur whole shit XD,and i dont read such long paras, i read sweet, short and simple
Instead of researching and spreading the hates, why not u just ask muslims womens/girls how we treat them.....THEY R QUEENS OF OUR HOUSES
All Muslim womens/Girls in the world r GREATFUL AND PROUD, bcoz they know how we treat them,
And why not u simply just ask any muslim girl lol instead of ur FAKE RESEARCHES @its-bobby @Valerie , here r some on tws....
and u can ask SOME irl too XD
WHY always u just write on internet, keyboard warrior??
WHY not be real and ask??.. XDAnd about my english, u r English teacher??...bcoz i hate fucking English teachers, my english teacher had same thoughts about my english like u...
And guess what?? first language is not english, so fuck english, fuck english mens too XD, fuck the english users, i dont care haha....still i can speak and write it enough, i know ur stupid language, but u dont know my language , u cant speak mine XDChutiye, bhot bada chutiya hai tu, tere comments par hasi aati hai XD , kash tu sudhar sakta, par teri aankhon par toh parda padha hai,kya kare....allah taufeeq de
Go it??...try using translations XD haha -
@jimmy1708 I'm not even going to read what ypu said
@thestrangest i dont write long paragraphs,i write short and sweet, u made me to write that XD, to answer that :)
Now u dont reply, i dont want a debate