• @evan-elderson Iā€™m happy that you got past your difficulties and became a better person. A person who fights for our country and I really respect that. Thank you for your service

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  • @evan-elderson sorry don't wanna sound like a repeat or copy cat but thank you for your service. I am so sorry I got to caught up with talking to you I forgot to say it.

  • @evan-elderson I have three favorite items.

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    First is the scrapbook I had from when I turned 16. Its just a harry potter note book I got a long time ago. It used to be a diary where I used a dead alphabet my friend invented but I covered everything up and made it into a scrapbook. I add little things to it over the years. Pictures of memorable adventures and memories, movie tickets, dried leaves or flower petals, sketches, poems, cathartic rambles, cards. Many random stuff. When I feel whimsical, I go through it and feel sentimental going through my memories as a teen. Now I'm already 22 and its only got a few pages left. I'll feel both sad and happy in buying a new little book.

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    Next is my gold ring and necklace. My cross necklace is from my father while the ring was given by my dad to my mom and she passed it down to me. I used to wear the necklace everyday when I was a teen because I feel closer to ny father. Like I'm always carrying a part of him with me. But after almost loosing it several times because the clasp fails sometimes, I started wearing the ring. I can't function well when I'm not wearing either one. It feels like a limb is missing and I'll feel off the whole day.

    Also the blue blanket is my favorite blanket we bought together with my grandparents on the rare times they go grocery shopping with us. It reminds me of that happy experience that's why I always use it even though its too hot šŸ˜…

  • @boots22 I LOVE YA TOO BSF!!!!!!!!!!!! srry im hyper asf

  • Movie Buff

    my favourite 3 items are
    Minolta DLR camera(left) and Hitachi camcorder(right)
    Minolta DLR camera is very beautiful photography cameras I ever own. the design
    of the camera is stylish, sharp, straightforward and noir attach to it than plastic
    and boring looking digital cameras design. I had it since 2014.
    Hitachi camcorder is very rare this days because it never got live up to better technology
    as years progresses on and luckily, my step mom got this from garage sale. thank for her.
    sucks is I cannot recording a movie/video because I need a fucking small camcorder disc.


    small story: everyday, my step dad calls me slacker because I'm lazy and sleeping all day
    playing video games all time during summer. one day, while I'm shopping at wal mart
    with my step dad. were in clothing section because I'm getting my new clothes. then he
    calls me name and showed me, he said something like this" hey Canaan, I think this shirt
    would suits you perfectly and[he whispers]......SLACKER" he laughed. you can tell the printing
    on the shirt is getting wore off and my step dad still calls me slacker to this day.
    i had this shirt since 3 years ago.

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  • @evan-elderson I love your story man :)

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  • Movie Buff

    @evan-elderson hmm you misunderstood. I meant had this shirt three years ago since 2016.
    Not had it since age 3. I hope you get it now what I mean.

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  • @evan-elderson yes it was the alphabet of our class back in high school. Our friendship is really tight knit because living in a small town, you practically grow up with your classmates until you form a bond more than friendship. We're all almost like siblings. (I've been classmates and friends with them since I moved schools back in 3rd grade) After graduating high school, we even made a yearly halloween tradition of sleeping over at somebody's house watching horror movies, pigging out, staying up late and talking. I doubt anyone remembers how to read it, I only recognize some of the letters. But if I take my time, I may remember all of the alphabets.

    And yes, my parents and I had a great relationship. Like @Abby-83, I was also a daddy's girl and my father's job brought him far away from us. But he died when I was young, in another country half way around the world. It was crippling and it changed me alot. That's the reason why I always wear the ring/necklace. It makes me feel like there's a part of him with me always.

  • @evan-elderson said in Your most favorite item and why:

    @sup said in Your most favorite item and why:

    @evan-elderson I love your story man :)

    Thank you! Where's your story (or am I blind)?

    Umm, I don't really have one. I love all items that belong to me hahah.

  • @evan-elderson lol i dont hate it i just say the truth šŸ˜œ and don't trust my pictures

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