What does your name mean?
@Akkii haha
Mine means pure
@SUSHIII my name was actually kept based on this ..
Hi m jake just started now SUP!!
@Ayesha_hana on what?
@SUSHIII my mom used to tell my name means pure , innocent .
My name means God is my judge or God is my strength. Depending on where you live!!
Will u be friend to me@Ayesha
@Ayesha_hana I don't like my name, so never searched about that
@Ayesha_hana would you be my friend?
@Ayesha_hana juzt in the name 😉😉
@shaina24 sure
@Kina-B haha
@Ayesha_hana then message me or follow me
Hey how are you girls doing?
@shaina24 of course
@shaina24 u must follow them to msg u
@shaina24 just did