• I honestly think it needs to be done more. We live in a sick world filled with twisted people. Why not get rid of the ones that are just gonna bring society down?

  • The death penalty is not fair,I'd go as far as saying that it is immoral. Taking a life is wrong no matter how you look at it. There are many more options and resources that could be utilized in these types of situations. Nobody deserves to have their life taken, not even criminals.

  • Totally depend on crime 😯😯

  • Freedom Writers

    @cid-cid I agree...but...Impulsive crimes are the explosions of their emotions...They can be rehabitated...
    But planned criminals never feels guilty
    They could be use their cleverty on good side but they didn't....So...they deserve death

  • It is good for serial killers and serious criminals, not for petty crimes. They deserve the death penalty.

  • @allursnmt would you put yourself under near death torture? Why do you wish someone who you consider equal to you in god's image to suffer from that? Torture is deeply traumatizing and you cannot predict the outcome. We cannot decide for others based on our feelings towards previous actions. All we want is to see others suffer..

  • Criminals that are sentenced to death are there because the took the life of one or more people. The Bible say an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. If you could ask the people that were murdered by the person on death row. What do you think they would say. I think they would say yes it's fair. The person that is sitting on death row didn't care if it was right to murder someone and they didn't care about they're rights either. So that murderer has more rights then the people they murdered. Don't want the death penalty the don't murder anyone!!!

  • @layla i think it is fair bc they probably deserved it

  • @layla its fair bcoz they also had given trouble to other people so they deserve same death penalty for themselves

  • @layla Well if you took someone else's life, why do you think you deserve to live? But then again why do we think we have the right to take someone else's life because (s)he took that another person's life? It's pretty paradoxical. We are playing God.

  • @meyouandsomemore I think let criminals think about themselves before commiting any crime...
    ALSO I guess your gf/bf had got caught up in a crime and you can't hadle your emotions about them...is it like that??πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @layla I believe the death penalty is inhumane

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @thestrangest said in Do you believe the death penalty is fair?:

    @layla I believe the death penalty is inhumane

    That is a video on the perspectives on the topic

    I'll quote someone then continue

    "From a determinist perspective, consequentialism is a logically preferable theory. Any form of retributivism relies on the concept of free will, because if a person had no choice not to perform an action then they can't really be held accountable, and therefore do not deserve any punishment. So I would argue that we have to adopt a consequentialist stance if we are to implement a system of punishment because the justifications of encouraging rehabilitation and deterring future crimes withstand negation of the idea that the criminal is to blame." Therefore the death penalty doesn't make sense, you can prevent any further crime of being committed by a certain murderer without killing him, just keep him in prison and then if he is deemed rehabilitated then let him go. It's that simple, any other actions would be immoral, it is causing unnecessary suffering and causing unnecessary suffering IS the definition of evil to a secularist, it is inhumane.

  • -delete-

  • I think its too humane. If somoine lets say goes to a kindergaren rapes all the kids and then drowns them. We shouldnt even kill min considering he was in his right mind and knew what he was doing. I would lock that fcker up alone till he dies you could consider that a death penalty or not. This would actualy stop poeple from doing it becouse most poelple who would do those thing dont realy want to live probably.

  • @jensens said in Do you believe the death penalty is fair?:

    I think its too humane. If somone lets say goes to a kindergaren rapes all the kids and then drowns them. We shouldnt even kill hin considering he was in his right mind and knew what he was doing.

    I disagree, if someone did that and then people found out that he did those things because he had a brain tumour that made him go crazy people wouldn't get mad at him but instead just hope that he gets better in the mental asylum where he was put to not harm other people, why? Because his actions were clearly caused by the tumour and he didn't chose to have that. But how is that any different from his actions being predetermined by his genetics, environment and upbringing(which all people's actions are)? Him not having chosen those either the reaction should be the same, put him in prison so he doesn't harm anyone then hope he gets rehabilitated

    I would lock that fcker up alone till he dies you could consider that a death penalty or not.

    Technically it is, now you have to realise that you are adding unnecessary suffering, to a person, who's actions were technically not just of his doing but a long chain of cause and effect. In my opinion just causing unnecessary suffering is immoral wouldn't you think?

    This would actualy stop poeple from doing it becouse most poelple who would do those thing dont realy want to live probably.

    I'm sure there are better to discourage people who are planning on doing such things than needlessly killing someone, therapy would be good, euthanasia can become legal and for people who don't want to live that can become an option only allowed to them if their psychological conditions(that cause them to suffer) were proven to be permanent...

  • -delete-

  • @thestrangest yhea but there are also people who are so broken that they can just never be fixed. what would you do then if you let them go they will do it again and youre back where you started. if you put them in a psyke wark its basicly a death penalty then.

  • @jensens said in Do you believe the death penalty is fair?:

    @thestrangest yhea but there are also people who are so broken that they can just never be fixed.

    So you kill them? Why not kill all mentally ill people in asylums who are staying there forever having their families come visit them once a month?

    what would you do then if you let them go they will do it again and youre back where you started

    That's why there is something called.... the life sentence for people who are deemed unfit for rehabilitation

    if you put them in a psychiatric ward its basicly a death penalty then.

    No it's a life sentence, you aren't shortening their life span

  • @thestrangest in your previeus post you said locking people up forever was techicaly a death penalty.