Yeah it is
If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
personally i would like to be able to teliport anywhere with just my thoughts would make seeing the world and doing things so much easier
Would'v chosen time manipulation but that has alot of drawbacks and issues that it makes ma head hurts about thinking about all the theories related to it so im gonna with something a bit simpler and say fire generation and manipulation cuz why the fuck not, i'v always had a thing fer fire, we go way back lol since it was a fire that alerted ma parent's of a murderer entering our home plus throwing fireballs is always a nice party trick (i'd probably never do it in a party -well that's assumong i ever gather enough energy to go to one - considering the probable high amount of alcohol around)
@scott-xaiver oh you mean like in the jumper movie :D
@jynextremist exactly i could rob any place and instantly be home
i would like to have the ability to read minds, or to have the power to control time ;)
Shapeshifting: won't have to be paranoid about getting robbed or smth, can just turn into a flippin polar bear or smth. (I can also eat as much as i want and not worry about my body image bc then i can make it whatever i want)
@jynextremist ooh time would also be cool
@alohalani aww, hahaha that is cute :D
If anyone knows Mystique here from Xmen. Id like to have similar powers.You know.... you can transform into any person and just mess around with people.
To manipulate reality, probably.
Therefore, I can enlist myself with more than one 'superpower', among doing other things. -
@scott-xaiver invisibility
Super speed because the flash has super speed and the flash is dope
To rewrite and change reality to whatever and however I like
I could literally do whatever I like and boost myself as much as I want