• So November is about to end and I am still in the game 😎 . after after success of this I want to challenge myself once again.

    I always know sleep is important but talking the thing is not doing the thing source .

    for gazillions times I have said "sleep is important" and I always say this whenever someone tries to defend they being awake by saying "sLeeP iS fOe weAk" bunch of weirdos.

    this challenge will be 10 times harder than nnn. I am going to do Improve sleep december #ISD !!!

    I may fail at it in few days but I will keep doing it. till I master it.

    since this challenge is made by me, I shall create the rules! and they are as follows:

    • participants must sleep for 7 - 9 hours in night.

    that's it. that is the only rule and I invite you to join me in this.

    although I knew (and it is fact) that sleep is important. I didn't know exactly how much important and maybe that is why we are taking it for granted.

    but I just listen to a podcast and now I feel it is so important to share this. also want to make assertion.

    even if you think you couldn't take this challenge, at least listen to this podcast. very informative.

    for preparation I am going to stay away from social media n emails after dinner, or do meditation before sleep.

  • What if you have difficulty getting to sleep, is it a consecutive duration or it still counts if you wake up/ have to do stuff, what hours does one have to sleep within. I.e. between 12am and 9am

  • @Peek_A_Boo said in Preparation for December!!!!:

    What if you have difficulty getting to sleep, is it a consecutive duration or it still counts if you wake up/ have to do stuff, what hours does one have to sleep within. I.e. between 12am and 9am

    There is always a reason for having sleep on time. Night time is best for sleeping coz sun goes down and our body produces melatonin in absence of sun or blue light.

    Also we have difficulty in sleeping when we r restless. Thoughts are flooding in mind when we are checking emails, being on social media or planning for future.
    I suggest you ignore these kind of things at least before one hour.

    Just don't do anything that makes your brain start thinking of it and can't stop thinking of it.

    tho it is hard to do at first. But don't give up if u failed few times. And all set ;)

  • @AshK it is difficult to achieve all these, many people work night ( or a combi of day + night), some are on 24hr standby callout,

    Some people struggle to fall asleep, even in the absence of these things

    In the older days before tech & electric, people would often have the samd issue and fall asleep reading by candlelight

  • @Peek_A_Boo can't argue that. I'm privileged to enjoy night sleeps 💤