I need help..am pregnant and we broke up with the father of the baby

  • @Janet

    no wonder you stopped replying to me.
    its too bad.i was winning the argument.
    well,you are right(finally!) about one thing.this discussion does not help the OP,and for that,i will stop posting off topic comments.

  • @ssll-sg Can you plz just open that closed brain ??? You said Fact = bla bla bla . While the main fact is : Dick + pussy = Baby (In that case ) then the dick was part of what the pussy carried even if he dont want the result (Baby) !!! Either the dick and the pussy agree to abortion or the Dick and the pussy take responsibility of causing the pregnancy , even if one chose the abortion and the other didnt .. In the end a new soul baby came to life and he have the full right to have a father and a mother not just one !


  • @Eucalyptus Baby euca 😍 can we get pregnant togather ? 🤣😂 just changing the energy that Idiot brought with him .

  • You need to consider few important factors.

    • The point of view on the matter from the man's side, because it's his responsibility too, no matter of his independence in your relationship.
    • The law in your country/state - if it's legal, the choice of keeping the baby or not is much easier, although - if you're too young, I personally wouldn't recommend it, for yourself and for the baby.
      But - if it's illegal, it's much more problematic, depends on your approach and if you have anyone that can help you do the abort safely incase you choose to do so.
    • The pregnancy stage - for your health and safety please notice most abortions are safe if you're under 14 weeks of pregnancy, after that you should contact a doctor (of course, even before is better - but again depends on the law).
    • If you're young, you should approach an adult you trust with this issues. Not a forum with many trolls and people with outdated-compulsive opinions, the fetus develops it's brain only on the 10th week, until then you can consider it just a fetus, don't let other people decide for you what is right for your body - this is a very hard process; mentally and physically.

    Read as many medical articles on the matter as you can, consider your week of pregnancy, your age, any diseases or health problems you might have can affect the process too, your mental state and mental health problems can occur or erupt... etc.

    Avoid forums like these, seek help from professional people with medical knowledge.

    I wish you all the best love and I hope everything will go well and smoothly (as much as it's possible under the circumstances).
    Good luck :hearts:

  • As far as the debate is concerned Im on the lady's side I hope she figures out a way to get out of this situation soon and decides whats best for her
    @Janet & @Eucalyptus made some logical arguments and i agree with them 100%
    However one point that I agree on with this cringy douchebag is that if it wasnt a mutual decision to keep the child, then its fair on the guy's part to not get involved in anything related to the child Its his choice like it is the choice of the mother whether to keep the baby or not
    If she plans to keep it then she sadly has to find a way to provide for and raise the kid to the best of her abilities

    (OR FUCKING DUMP THAT POS in an orphange) - this is a joke please dont kill me

  • Banned

    adoption would be better.

  • Veteran Mods One Woman Army

    this girl right here represents every second 16yo in Latin America lmao

    @DaNii you could have been her but luckily you never got to interact with an actual human male in your life

  • @sup True, who knows what would be of me if I was popular among guys irl xD

  • @DaNii said in I need help..am pregnant and we broke up with the father of the baby:

    @sup True, who knows what would be of me if I was popular among guys irl xD

    @XR7 is such a simp for upvoting your post but not mine
    see its not easy being a guy ://

    hey and i know youre pretty popular you got a nice personality

  • That sounds like a you problem. I can't get into the UK but you don't hear me bitchin

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @ssll-sg said in I need help..am pregnant and we broke up with the father of the baby:


    you dont even answer anything.you just deflect and avoid talking about it because you KNOW that youre wrong,right?

    you think that people shouldnt argue about the law when you wrote

    'laws are laws so your opinion is irrelevant'

    so,when i gave you the examples of TYRANNICAL and OPPRESSIVE laws out there,you simply ignores it and continue on believing that law is supposed to be infallible and always right?

    dear jebus.
    you need to educate yourself.
    try to use common sense and logic before you write anything.

    It's Don't.
    Spaces after punctuation marks.
    And it's you're
    And some more.
    Illiterate cuck 🙄

  • @TheRisingSun

    another @Janet 's goon!
    im going 2 name you goon #9. i lost count coz theres 2 many of u goons around!

    ur l8 to the partaaaaaayyyyyy!!!!

  • Global Veteran

    Mic check 1, 2 1, 2


    Did you decide yet

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @ssll-sg said in I need help..am pregnant and we broke up with the father of the baby:


    another @Janet 's goon!
    im going 2 name you goon #9. i lost count coz theres 2 many of u goons around!

    ur l8 to the partaaaaaayyyyyy!!!!

    9, my fav number, ty. Since we're calling eachother numbers 🙄
    I'll call you frustrated wannabe troll #1926491639562946 👍
    Who's @Janet? What's a @Goon 🤔

  • @Undecided I do understand your feelings but it's your choice.... if you can't take care of the baby abort it, it's better its a very great responsibility to take care of child not easy yeah, also forget a out your boy friend and do not run behind any one to love, you have to be as it is, and make your choice also you will find some one who loves you, if you love some you need to let go when time comes because you loved him...

  • @Undecided don't say anything live your life if you find someone catfish them like the TV show so your kid can have a step father to step on that's a joke

  • @Genny-Werner it's Michael Werner that's a random first name