Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?

  • @mundane Because it's specifically coming for these people following the same religion.
    You can blame or not blame the religion.
    But there needs to be a change within that religion or the people themself.
    I'm not a politican or a minister. I don't know what the best solution is or specific cause.
    But what we do know is that there should be taken action.

  • @mundane fuck you and fuck religion

  • @hauptsturmführer read what i have to say before you tell your opinions formed by the media

  • This is the most stupidest question in the world.
    Yup. Islam is a religion of terrorist. I served 15 years in the U.S. Armed Forces and I became a Muslim. Yea sure its a religion of terrorism.

    How stupid are people. Forgive me. I should use the word ignorant. Maybe I was a little harsh. If your going to post something provide evidence. Not just, yeah its in the Quran.

    Or maybe I can provide some assistance:

    1. Did you go to a mosque or your local mosque and talk to other Muslims?
    2. Did you talk to the Imam in the Mosque?
    3. Did you talk to a religious Scholar?
    4. Or call 1-877-whyislam

    Notice these are not Internet sources. All I'm saying is stop being lazy, turn off the computer. Put your hand in your pocket and pull out the keys and drive or walk (youngsters) to your local mosque. Sound easy, good. Okay lets get started. Lets gain some knowledge. Lets stop being lazy and stop following these ridiculous ideologies or these Islamic phobia retards. Thank you.
    Oh, and if you use the sources I provided. I'm not sorry. They will not tell you what you want to hear and you know what I mean.


    Ali Talib

  • @how-to-make-a My entire opinion was formed by experience with Muslims.
    Most of your opinions just contain a lot of swearing.
    Sorry, but if you fill yourself with hate, you will never be able to come over serious to others.

    Plus, just making assumptions doesn't help either.

  • I guess not, the terorist was using name of islamic religion doesnt mean islam is the terorrist religion, religions is all good but some ppl i mean the (terrorist) is the one of the shit

  • @hauptsturmführer

    Where in my paragraph did I swear? Oh, yes your right I do hate. I hate ignorance and I'm hoping you feel the same or do you love ignorance. Making assumptions? I provided a source of valuable information in my reply. All you have to do is call the 1-877 # or go to your local mosque. Experience with Muslims who.? Have you been to Iraq, Afghanistan, UAE, South Korea, Qatar, or Texas. I stated Texas because we have the majority of muslims and Mosques in Texas U.S. Did you talk to the Imam or just some random guy on the street who says or you said they represents Islam?

    Look if you want know about the religion don't judge the people. People in nature we are not perfect. Go to the source the Quran and asked educated people in the religion questions about what your reading. Don't go with what you think it means. We have people with degrees and years of knowledge. This is their job. So use them please. Thank you again.


    Ali Talib

  • @ali-talib Your entire argument is completely based on the theoretical stuff.
    Your behaviour is exactly what is wrong with islam.

    Just pure hatred and no actual discussion.
    You repeat I'm ignorant, yet I live in a school where 90% is Muslim.
    I've been dealing with Muslims all my life.
    I've been in a Mosque, thank you very much.

    Yes, not all people are perfect.
    Yet, do you see christians cutting the throats on journalists?

    I've been in all over Europe except some Eastern European nations, I've been to Turkey, Thailand.
    You make assumptions hoping I severly lack experience. But you couldn't be more wrong on that aspect.

    You act like I want Islam to be purged. No I want the Muslims too look at themself and make an end to the cancer in their religion, ISIS, Taliban, Boko Haram.

    You completely ignore the people on your side doing harm to others, all you do is play the victim.

  • @hauptsturmführer
    This will be my last post on this topic. I don't know why I posted I should of listened to my inner voice because people don't listen. We are living in world were people like to label including myself. I'm still learning not to do this. Once we label an individual the receiver is no longer listening he is going with his/her own idea or image received either through television, experience, or books on what he/she perceives is the correct image. The mind is now distorted it is not free until it can figure out how to free it self. We are prisoners from with in.

  • @hauptsturmführer fuck you, I'm an ex-muslim

  • @how-to-make-a Good for you.

  • @hauptsturmführer Then read wtf i have to say on the fucking matter since I'm more credible than other people

  • @hauptsturmführer fuck you and fuck god

  • people ... this guy @how-to-make-a he knows it all ... but he was cowered and scared and stupid enough to chose to let go other that hold on to the truth .

  • @hauptsturmführer I respect your opinion.

  • @how-to-make-a ummmm
    what exactly were you trying to achieve while typing that?
    also, thanks for the intolerance and hate, appreciate the gesture!
    everyone has their own opinion, the internet is a great platform to express, to learn from and respect opinions, swearing at each other ain't helping nobody.

  • @muslim "people ... this guy @how-to-make-a he knows it all ... but he was cowered and scared and stupid enough to chose to let go other that hold on to the truth ." Can't you just call me stupid and ugly instead of writing a comment against me which takes TOO much time to read if you consider how much SUPER USEFUL information it has about the topic of the conversation

  • @mundane "@hauptsturmführer I respect your opinion." but do you respect MY opinion which can be true? Or are you just going to say that you respect his opinion because you agree with it

  • @mundane "ummmm
    what exactly were you trying to achieve while typing that?
    also, thanks for the intolerance and hate, appreciate the gesture!
    everyone has their own opinion, the internet is a great platform to express, to learn from and respect opinions, swearing at each other ain't helping nobody." 1st you didn't specifies what i was typing that you wanted to know the purpose of 2nd i curse because these topics are very close to me and when i curse it shows people that i am confident with the topic in hand and that I disagree strongly with the opposite side of the conversation (i know that it isn't very nice) but it is still not harmful if the person at the opposite side of the conversation tries to contradict my points instead of attacking my manner of expressing my opinions, but of course no one would want to do THAT??!!?

  • @how-to-make-a how to is a retarted and deviated ex Muslim, some non Muslim terrosit have brain washed his mind