why in this website more a topic is bad and useless more it has views and answers

  • This is the truth. When you post something interesting , or new, or original, a little clever or cultural : nobody cares about it .
    But when you post a shitty subject like "100 million the number of singles in the world." or all the pervers 's subjects you can find here you arrive in the best topics of the week.
    Are you really all that stupid?

    At the beginning I was a good person , I posted good things but now because of your stupidity I'm just here for post shit and annoy you and let off steam on you .And because of that I was banned 4 times lmao XD

  • dont blame others for your actions, you find the ppl who like what you post and u make friends, not all the ppl want to be u friend or like what u write
    u chose who you are not the ppl who like your posts chose who you are

  • @0Adisor0 lol you didn't understand what i meant :grimacing_face:
    I don't care if people like or not my topics .It's not the problem.

    I just analyze the facts and I deduct 80% of the people here are all perv or stupids and this is the real problem.

    And because of that I don't like you and this website but like I'm actually bored I stay here .
    So I post shit . And because of I post shit I'm always banned .

  • i agree with you about the 80%.
    As i wrote you need to find the ppl who are interested in who you really are, if you are bored and do like the rest and post stupid things you will a) not improve the site, b) not find ppl who will appreciate the real you and c) be banned again and again.
    It is not easy to find the needed in this hate pile but if you pay attention you might find it.

  • I can't speak to this unless you give me an example of something "new, or original, a little clever or cultural". I tend to reply to anything that warrants criticism or is vague & requires elaboration.

  • @Phaéris I follow what you're saying. My experience is that when I joined the topics were mostly smart and interesting, and a wide spectrum of users would interact and debate on them. Then the site hit a low point when it was flooded with scammers, trolls and pervs. Sure they had always been there but never in such quantities. Sometimes seven or eight topics in a row might be from just one sex scammer profile, and the genuine topics got lost.

    Some people did what they could to report and remove such users, but the site never really recovered. New users coming to the site during that time assumed that kind of behaviour was okay, and many established users who used to contribute a lot got fed up and left. Which in turn means that when somebody new decent turns up, they often don't stick around because they oft only see people mostly being pervs and asshats. Yet I do feel it is slowly getting better again, beginning to resemble what it used to be like.

    Whilst there are so many users here just here for sex or for attention those posts you mention will keep getting the lion's share of replies, but I'm not going to give up hope. If just a few keep also replying to the deeper topics, perhaps that will encourage others to do so, or some more new people to stay. Perhaps 😂